Tartan Nighmare (my First Story)
Alex sat on her bed, tugging at the pleated tartan skirt, urging the zipper to hold, begging the button to contain her unruly bulk. She took a final breath in, and made one last attempt to fasten the More ▼
A Link to Fantasy
The internet is an interesting place as a young woman learns when she is introduced to the concept of feederism after stumbling upon a certain website... More ▼
Hermoine's Adventure
A Harry potter fan fiction I wrote in an hour....not completely done because I dont know where to take it. More ▼
Kylie Gets Her Man
A cute young woman gets a long-time crush of hers out on a date. Then she finds out that he has a rather unique interest that she is willing to fulfill. Mild weight gain. 100% true first person story More ▼
The Woman in Red
A chance encounter, turns into something both 'he' and 'her' need More ▼
Happy New Years
Post New Year party run in with a girl I had seen every once in a while through the years. Guess what?? She gained a LOT of weight since last time...I wonder why???? More ▼
Fantasy Vs Reality
Will Alex ever get the attention she desires... More ▼
Lose Alot, Gain Alot.
A girlfriend trys really hard to loose a lot of weight to make her boyfriend happy. But she's be in for a surprise when her boyfriend comes home one night More ▼
Fantasy Island
A dream resort where girls can eat and grow really big. It was something that I want to write about when I first had it in my dream. More ▼