A Link to Fantasy
The internet is an interesting place as a young woman learns when she is introduced to the concept of feederism after stumbling upon a certain website... More ▼
Hermoine's Adventure
A Harry potter fan fiction I wrote in an hour....not completely done because I dont know where to take it. More ▼
Kylie Gets Her Man
A cute young woman gets a long-time crush of hers out on a date. Then she finds out that he has a rather unique interest that she is willing to fulfill. Mild weight gain. 100% true first person story More ▼
The Woman in Red
A chance encounter, turns into something both 'he' and 'her' need More ▼
Happy New Years
Post New Year party run in with a girl I had seen every once in a while through the years. Guess what?? She gained a LOT of weight since last time...I wonder why???? More ▼
Fantasy Vs Reality
Will Alex ever get the attention she desires... More ▼
Lose Alot, Gain Alot.
A girlfriend trys really hard to loose a lot of weight to make her boyfriend happy. But she's be in for a surprise when her boyfriend comes home one night More ▼
Fantasy Island
A dream resort where girls can eat and grow really big. It was something that I want to write about when I first had it in my dream. More ▼
Galactic Issues; a Mass Effect Story.
After saving the Citadel from the Reapers, Shepard and crew aren't quite finished like they thought. More ▼