Sexy weight gain stories

The Unfillable Phillip

New chapter added 4/15/23! For Tax Day! Or because I have free time! A slice of life story with an SSBHM and his adoring girlfriend.   More ▼

Philip’s Room

A FFA takes a chubby young college guy under her wing... and fattening occurs. A little bit dark   More ▼

A Taste of His Own Medicine

The Fat Girl Next Door

Brian and Jessica recently purchased their first home in the suburbs and are ready to start a new life together, but plans quickly fall apart for the athletic couple when their overweight neighbor decides to intervene.   More ▼


An anxious young woman begins to discover what she truly wants out of her life after a chance encounter with a mysterious billionaire. Extremely x-rated. Contains: Sub/Dom, breeding, lactation, and so much more.   More ▼

Jess' Fattening Fantasy (part 1)

Jess, discovering her feedee tendencies, begins to have very vivid erotic fantasies about gaining weight. Things intensify when stuffing herself she meets a waitress who also happens to be a feeder.   More ▼

Eight Last Steps

Baby boy has finally eaten himself into immobility for his Mummy. Contains light Mummy femdom.   More ▼

The Rock Star Life

I found life on the road pretty tough until I met a girl that made my life fulfilling and hers full-filling. Please ignore the terrible pun and read it anyway. A romance finding peace and satisfaction through gaining and sex. Definitely sex.   More ▼

More Than a Few Pounds

A girl enters a new relationship and gradually triples her size. Written from the male perspective. More chapters coming soon.   More ▼

Kiki, Coach and Fattener

Kiki, is a strong personal trainer, she gets a new boyfriend, and unleashes a dark desire to fatten up him. An old story I did elsewhere.   More ▼