Sexy weight gain stories

Life With Lipidease! - a Commissioned Story  

COMPLETE - A young man and his boss, an older woman, hit it off at their biotech job. She likes him — and his appetite — and wants to see more of him. Much, much more! Mutual gaining, female led relationship, stuffing.   More ▼

The Reunion

Sarah’s is convinced to go to her 15 year high school reunion even though she’s not the same girl that walked through those halls all the years ago and an unsuspecting romance has some big consequences on Sarah's already large body COMPLETED   More ▼

The Roommates

Two thin and attractive roommates, Rachel and Lexi, make fun of an overweight woman at their gym. She then gives the two girls a taste of their own medicine.   More ▼

Commentary: Sadie’s Mission  

Get a behind the scenes look into the writing and story development of Sadie’s Mission. Expect new insights, backstories, and unpublished drafts. No promises, but there might be some spoilers as well…   More ▼

Tony Home Vists Part 1&2  

Tony goes home to St. Louis to visit family. Alice and Lizzie institute rules for him to follow while away. Continuing the story of Tony. Wendy takes her kink to the next level by deciding to embarrass tony even more. Feeding him wasn’t enough.   More ▼

My Quarantine Girlfriend  



No one is more shocked than Laura when Marie dumps her boyfriend. Although she's been secretly in love with the girl for quite some time, she can't quite get her head around her crush's new taste in men - the first of many big changes to come...   More ▼

Punishment in the Year 2050  

The Younger Feeder

At thirty-four, Melissa should know better than to lust after the hot guy on the fifth floor, fresh out of college. But some men just have a way of opening up your eyes to a whole new way of thinking...   More ▼
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