Sexy weight gain stories

A Life of a Fat Girl

Sana a cheerleader met a (secret feeder) Felix who was hired by sweety a friend of her's who was jealous of her body which was so perfect that all the boys were after sana and never noticed her...But what would happen if felix falls in love with sana   More ▼

An Alien Concept

My new girlfriend is a shapeshifting alien. How do I break the news that I want her to transform into a fat chick?   More ▼

Lana's Gains and Love

From the first few gains while working a summer at a new job to finding a guy that treats her for herself no matter what happens to her.   More ▼

Feeder Philosphy 101: How to Fatten up a Girl as Quickly as Possible

When Max meets Bella, a chubby girl at his college, in the college dining hall and asks her out, he quickly learns what the next level of feederism really is...   More ▼

Dan’s Beauty Serum 2: a Latin Lesson

The world is forever changed with the release of Dan's serum, but not everyone share's Dan's vision of beauty.   More ▼

Cuddle Time

A pair of college grads awkwardly figure out their mutual attraction... awkwardly.   More ▼

His Warm Embrace

An explicit, erotic vignette of a slender young woman exploring her own stuffing by her fat lover and its sensual results.   More ▼

A New Religion

His Projected Cravings

Your boyfriend's been struggling with his weight for as long as he can remember. In order to beat his unhealthy cravings and lose some weight, he decides to push them onto someone else; you.   More ▼

The Metamorphosis