Sexy weight gain stories

Turning the Tables

Your Soft Beginnings

You finally start gaining weight and stuffing yourself. After noticing your efforts paying off, you decide to treat yourself.   More ▼

A Fat Admirer in Texas (part 1)

Matt is a swiss teenage boy who recently found out about his attraction for larger women. As part of summer holidays, he gets to enjoys his first sexual experiences with the obese girls he fantasized about. (X-rated in last chapter)   More ▼

Princess Sapphire Beginning

The lonely seventh daughter of the Fondant empire dreams of becoming empress and makes a new friend who can help that dream come true.   More ▼

Amy Willard, Continued...  

The Day After

I hope your trip is going well. i found your note that you wanted me to write and tell you everything. all my sensations and feelings from our incredible month together. every detail.   More ▼

The Video Star

An online feedee model meets a supportive fan and sparks fly.   More ▼

The Pleasure of It All

i am very nervous. i haven't been naked, this fat in front of another human... ever. Self discovery and resulting arousal   More ▼


Not your usual story. A prose-poem ode to a gainer named Butterball, detailing her bountiful beauty and the story of her erotic journey to obesity! Word-lovers and alliteration-admirers may especially enjoy this!   More ▼

The Perfect Date Weekend

A man comes home from the gym to find his girlfriend curled up on the couch, living her best life. Gently waking her up, to take her on what’s the start of a perfect date weekend. Mutual eating.   More ▼