Sexy weight gain stories

The Play Room

i slowly awake, my head spinning. i realize i am suspended face up. A tale of forced fattening, lovingly administered   More ▼

Betty Eats for Two

When Betty told Freddy she was pregnant, he was horrified. But when he saw the way her body changed, he was thrilled. But something's wrong -- that was eleven months ago and Betty just keeps getting bigger and bigger...   More ▼

The Wylds: Tempted by Faie

A modern fantasy story about two Faie roommates in search of a third. Male/Male/Female. Originally written on Tumblr for GiantFFA, Art by Cheev12   More ▼

His Evening Shared

by request a revisit and gender change of an old favorite that explores the erotic sensuality of fatness   More ▼

Devil Went Down to Naven

Patreon commission for JJBinx. As Naven recalls his experience with the genie a la "Naven's Greed" to his best friend, a certain female devil comes to play. *Has male wg, unashamed bisexuality, stuffing, feederism, and sexual themes*   More ▼

Cynthia's Mask

Cynthia wants a BHM that will submit to her will. Melissa wants Cynthia. Is there a way they can both get what they want?   More ▼

Her Pleasure

sensual and arousing, don't read if you are offended. An older story with new keywords for the new search function   More ▼

Axel the Chef

Axel and Max are college friends who met at the college Olympics, Axel being a chef and Max a basketball player. What Max did not expect is that his friend would make so many desserts for him. (this is a short story in process)   More ▼

The Ride

by request, one of my early stories freshened up a bit with some harmless fondling. A detailed account of a very sensual motorcycle ride.   More ▼

Life in the Fastfood Lane - Charlie Gillespie

Teen heartthrob actor Charlie Gillespie attends college and picks up a role on a show. Caught up in growing into the role, he puts on weight and other students begin to notice.   More ▼