A Growing Hypothesis

Chapter 1 - Turning Off the Gravity Drives

Adeline was not the first to inhabit that final frontier, nor would she be anywhere near the last. The human race had been a spacefaring group for a while now, it had been widely available for almost 4 decades. Though still in its infancy in cosmic terms, the innovation in the intervening years made extended space travel possible. At any rate, this is where we meet her, floating about her quarters and waiting for her boyfriend to finish his rounds. Though it may seem natural today, in their time, artificial gravity was very much commonplace. Despite this, Adeline was not uneasy, as they had been planning for this for many months now. Almost since they met and fell in love. You see, Adeline was a little pudgy when they met, nothing especially large. But she had aspirations, she wanted to be the fattest woman to have ever lived. And when she met Brodie and finally mentioned her predilection, he shuffled next to her, rested a hand on her plump thigh and whispered in her ear:
“I thought you’d never ask”
In the five years they’d been together between then and today’s situation, she had packed on considerable weight, to the point where even just walking between her duties on the station was leaving her out of breath. However, this was all about to change. Brodie had saved up enough to get them their own shuttle. And now, away from prying eyes and out of gravity’s restriction, Adeline could properly start fattening up like she’d always dreamed of.
“Ok babe, ready for your first zero-gee stuffing?” Brodie asked with a smile as he returned.
“God yes”
Adeline had already taken to wearing little-to-no clothes on their shuttle, as getting dressed was becoming a hassle all of its own. Hence the scene he returned to; a mass of gently wobbling adipose, giggling as she slapped her hands on her gut and watched it ripple.
Brodie pushed off the wall and floated up beside her, sinking a hand into her impossibly soft frame and feeling an immediate throb in his pants. Smirking to himself, he returned to the task at hand and unclipped a mask from the wall. This was a creation of his own design, a cryosleep mask with a feeding tube attached directly to a pump and vat in the wall.
He kissed her still giggling mouth and gently attached the mask to her face and flipped the switch. Instantly, the soft hum of the pump filled the room and an off-white sludge filled the tube and emptied into her mouth; Vanilla GainShake, mixed to double the recommended saturation.
As she happily swallowed the sweet substance, Brodie floated around her, sinking his hands into her gargantuan thighs and watching the fat ripple all the way up her ass. Though his arms barely reached, he put them around her and squeezed her massive chest while kissing what little neck remained.
“We’re gonna make you utterly enormous my love” he whispered, causing her to shiver a little and smile through the mask.
Coming around to the front he saw that Adeline’s sagging body, now unbridled by gravity, had become much rounder. Not bigger per-se, just softer, plumper, as if her skin, now released from gravity, was hugging her fat tighter, no longer pulled downward. And, as he pressed himself into her, he noticed the same was true for her boobs, once sagging under their own weight, now were round as they were when she was half her current weight, but significantly bigger. Hugging her from the front was easier, but still a stretch to reach all the way around. She felt almost like a massive beanbag to him, but minus the lumpy bead feeling. She was soft like warm butter as he held her, letting his hands wander and grope her. He brushed a few strands of floating hair out of her face and looked into her gleeful green eyes as she chugged down yet more of the slop. Brodie kissed Adeline’s forehead and pulled her closer, feeling her belly slowly lose its softness as it filled fuller and fuller.
Adeline, for her part, was in utter ecstasy. Perhaps not sexually, but the relief she felt as the weight lifted off her joints and she began to float was sublime. As was the sensation of Brodie’s hands, sinking into her weighty, but weightless body. The icing on the cake was, naturally, the feeding tube, constantly pumping her favourite GainShake into her mouth. It was very unlikely that a single thought crossed her mind in this time, as she was utterly lost in the experience.
Her stomach got ever fuller until Brodie decided that that was enough and turned off the feeding tube. He floated over and gingerly pulled the mask off of her, wiping the shake off her lips with a finger. Exhausted but ecstatic, Adeline put a chubby hand around his wrist and guided it to her lips, where she sucked the remainder off his finger while looking straight at him.
A massage is something that one would think impossible in zero-gee, but they made it work, with Adeline laying across his lap. This way, as he rubbed her bloated belly, he just pushed her into his lap, keeping them together as Brodie continued pushing his hands in small circles on her gut.
Adeline laid, staring up at the passing stars as the love of her life rubbed her massive, stuffed belly. And as she did, a single thought crossed her mind as a smile crossed her face: I’m gonna be the biggest woman who ever lived.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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