Chapter 1 - Progress Report 1
“Look at you, you’re so pathetic” the man said mockingly, “you so desperately need this”. You struggled against your bonds, but to no avail. He laughed, “look at all this”, he grabbed a handful of your chubby gut, “You are nothing more than a needy little ***”. You struggled again, trying desperately to escape the clutches of this mysterious figure. “Tsk tsk”, he slapped your gut, “naughty piggy, and you know what happens to naughty piggies?”. You wrestled violently in your straps, trying to pry yourself off of the bench. “Uh uh” he waggled his finger, “I think this piggy needs to be conditioned” he said, stroking softly under your chin before going back to squeezing your pudgy belly. “Well ***, let’s not keep you waiting”, he lowered a headset onto your ears, locking them in place, then, the roof opened up to reveal a screen that filled all of your vision. “Enjoy the show” the man said slyly as he pressed a button. The screen flashed to life and so did the headphones, the screen began by showing a swirl and, as it slowly faded you saw flashing images of huge and obese guys, immense and so big they can barely move, if at all. These images were accompanied with words; Eat, Hungry, Horny, Grow, Fatter, Pig, Piggy, Needy, Obey, Dumber, Hornier. You try to look elsewhere, but you can’t, you can’t even close your eyes for more than a few seconds, your eyes are locked on the screen and you are filled with strange and alien emotions. You listen to the headphones now and hear the words you see as well as more, detailing how dumb you are, how you were born to follow orders, how your only desire is to get fat and please your master. You are repulsed by this, but unlike the screen, there is nothing you can do to stop hearing. You feel weaker and weaker, your body relaxed and soon your mind filled with an odd sensation, as if it was entirely empty, like when you wanted to think you were tuning a TV, but all you get is static. You don’t move now, you only watch and listen, letting all of the words and thoughts enter your mind as if they were your own. Time passed but you don’t know how long, your only inputs are the screen before you and the headphones in your ears.Abruptly, the screen shut off and the headphones stopped playing. You try to think why, but you quickly realized that thoughts are much, much more difficult to come by. The man appeared in front of you once again, and as he did this you realized something odd, there is a tube is your mouth, and all you could taste is sweet, fatty and thick cream, and, as you looked down, you saw that you’ve put on at least 100 pounds, likely more. As you wondered how long it took you, felt something, low, in your crotch. You were hard, very hard, in fact your throbbing cock was so hard that it pressed into your fat, wobbling gut. The thought of this horrified you, what happened, but before your mind could go any further, though doubtful it would go anywhere at all, the man began to unstrap you from the bench.
After fully unstrapping you, you still laid on the bench, unsure of what the next step might be. The man uncoupled your mouth from the feeding tube and, as he pulled it away, you strained your neck for one last mouthful. You barely recognized yourself, it was like you were living in another person, but you liked it... This scared you even more, but you couldn’t remember why. “Get up and follow me” the man said coyly. You sat up on the bench and slid to the end, enjoying the feeling of your newly fat belly resting on your throbbing cock, before sliding off the end and onto your feet. Before your mind could catch up, you were instinctively on your hands and knees, crawling after the man. You knew it wasn’t, but it seemed normal to you, right, so you continued out the door and into another room. It looked pretty bare, a mattress in one corner, another bench in the opposite corner and a trough next to the bed.
You crawled over to the trough and looked to see if it was full, it wasn’t. before you can quite come up with anything to ask, you oink. Taken aback at this, you try to talk again, but all that exits your mouth is another oink. “Haha, look at you, you really are a nice dumb and pathetic pig now, aren’t you?” the man laughed, “we need to put your mask on before you get to stuff that gut”. He grabbed a handful of your swinging belly, squeezing it and feeling it’s softness, before walking away and grabbing a pig mask off the bench. “Here you go ***, a mask for you to complete the conditioning”. You wonder what conditioning is and then figure you shouldn’t worry about it, you squeal like a pig is excitement as he attaches the pig mask to your face.
He then gently spanked your ass and said “Now piggy, let’s test out your programming”. You don’t understand the word, but you think it means something good, so you nodded happily. “Good boy, now, get horny for me”. You felt your cock quiver with a rush of horniness and press into your soft gut even more. He reached his hand down and stroked it. “Good piggy, now hornier”, you felt the muscles around the base of your member tense even more. “Hornier”, you were straining to stand up now, your legs were sliding. “Hornier”, you were unsure how much longer you could take this kind of pleasure, your legs and arms gave way now and you rolled over onto your back. “Hornier”, your pathetic cock was dripping one your fat gut at this point.
“Haha, look at you, so needy and horny and desperate to be used”, he pinched your fat moobs and sent shudders of horniness over your skin, making your huge body jiggle and wobble even more. “You are nothing, you are just a pathetic pig”, he wobbled your gut and smirked as he looked into your eyes. “You can’t cum unless I say so” he teased your quivering cock and gently fondled your balls, “and right now, I order you to eat”. You shook and shuddered and slowly dragged yourself to the trough, now full of food. “Eat and I might just let you cum”. You instinctively shoved your head in the trough and began to eat, each morsel passing your lips making you hornier still as you felt how big you’ve gotten, and, as you keep eating, a single thought crossed your mind, “I want to get fat and please my master”.
Science Fiction
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Weight gain
2 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year