Julie Gets Her Comeuppance

  By Growingsofter

chapter 1

Isolde flashed a bright and genuinely wide smile across her plump face when she saw Julie and her troop of collegiate mean girls coming down the street. They made this stop several times a week, not so much to eat icecream at the parlor where Isolde worked, but to show off their fabulous figures and more often than not wound up purpusefully embarrassing one of their heavier classmates.

The leader of the bunch was a girl named Julie. She was definitely the Alpha of the crew, "at least for now", thought Isolde with a slight chuckle as she she could see, even from a distance that her spell over the lithe young beauty had taken hold.

As the girls entered the parlor in a whirlwind of pomp and circumstance, Isolde greeted them and in return they ignored her as if she wasn't even there, all but a nice young Asian girl named Vivian who smiled and greeted her back warmly, that was until the ringleader Julie, pulled her back into line with the rest of them.

Isolde couldn't understand for the life of her why such a nice young girl would chose to hang out with such a terrible group of human beings, but she would have to worry about that later. Today, she had bigger fish to fry.

She could see that her spell worked from her sense of vision as could the rest of her friends and anyone with a working pair of eyeballs. Julie was always a looker but now, she was knockout gorgeous. Her brrasts had gone from a sized A cup to a full D cup within just a week's time.

Isolde chuckled to herself listening to her minions keep asking her "what's your secret" and things like, "Come on girl, I know you got your daddy to fly in some special, probably German plastic surgeon flown in for the weekend or something", piped the excited girls around their now "boobular" queen.

To Isolde's delight, she did notice one thing different about her "Ice Queenish" rival. While still wearing her cut off top like the rest of the girls, Julie was the only one out of "uniform". Her clothes all seemed to fit pretty well, but Isolde suspected that Julie's little belly covering for the day may have been due to the fat from her breasts, finally starting to residistribute itself throughout the rest of Juile's body.
6 chapters, created 4 years , updated 2 years
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