Make Me an Obese Single Mom

Chapter 1

Bob we need to talk. I know you want me fatter, like we discussed before. I know you want this belly bigger and I’m up to 300 as you know. I don’t have much back fat yet. You see me eating like a pig everything in sight but I know I’m not gaining fast enough for you. How do I know? Well when Kirsten comes over I know you look at her. Yes you do. She’s up over 450 now. And you can’t stop staring at that big ball of belly fat barely held in by those tight sweatpants. Don’t lie. I see you barely able to control yourself when she gets to the top of the stairs at the apartment all out of breath. She can barely make it and you love it. You love that she is totally out of shape, fat and gasping. You want that for me. Admit it. I want it for me. You know I want to be a lazy do nothing pig. When Kirsten was eating that pizza with grease on her chin I thought you were gonna cum right there HAHA. You admit it!! I knew it! And on the computer. I found pictures and videos. One was still open. Don’t blame me. You left the video open. Really huge girls. 500 to 600 pounds. Big soft hanging bellies. Lots of weigh ins. Before and afters. I know you like weigh ins because it shows the girl getting big and fat, out of control with no chance of turning back, forever fat, never normal again. You like the mixture of fear and happiness on their face - them scared of being huge, so huge they may not be able to function, but happy that they reached a goal. Any goal. Weigh ins like we do here at home. You Lifting folds, poking. So I know you want me fatter faster. Ok you admit it. I knew I was not big enough. I want to get fatter for you. I want to be Obese, huge, sloppy and fat. Not plump. Almost immobile. Right on the edge Bob. With you weighing and poking me. Funny joke. And I know how to do it. You knock me up. Yes! How do you think Kristen got so fat? Jesse bred her and she blew up like a balloon. It’s true! I know you don’t want kids. I’ll be a single mom. I’ve thought about this. You’ll get me big as a whale to do your thing with, and my mom can help me watch the kid. Baby weight sticks like glue. And I can eat anything I want for the baby. C’mon Bob I stopped taking the pill, you can do this. We can do this. Seed me and make me your ball of blubber. A fat bag of goo hanging off my waist will be yours. Make me an obese single mom please!!

I knew he would do it. I leaned back took off my thong which had left red worry marks - ouch - getting to heavy for it. Hefted my fat roll belly apron to show Bob my kitty, slippery, hot, ovulating. He kneaded my rolls, ignored my smallish titties. Bob is a belly man. I smiled. He’s predictable. Long and hard he slipped it in. I told him to touch bottom and give me everything he had. Told him just how fat I was going to get for him with every thrust. Told him that every calorie, every morsel was going to settle down in my lower belly, making it sag lower and lower, till it splits below the navel . Told him I would be his obese pig. Told him to shoot like a hose in my cervix and breed me to get me fat. The wave came hot and deep. I could feel it spreading deep in my womb. He was spent, rolled off. And I was on my way to being an obese single mom - smiling.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
15   1   9354


Towel 1 year
Would love a follow up to this. Will see become the obese blob she dreams of?