Chapter 1
Tom Billington didn't see himself the way the rest of the courtroom did, as a monster. No, he wasn't any kind of physical beast. No, "Tommy Boy", as his former devotees called him, was a physical specimen.It was his good looks and athletic frame that had ensnared so many women over the years to turn significant portions of their wealth to the young hustler.
As Tom saw it, he was a goddamned hero. He provided each woman with the means to lose weight and feel sexy again. And that he did. Tom's breakthrough weight loss treatments were outlawed way back in 2045, but that hadn't stopped Tom Billington.
For a small fortune Tom performed his illegal "weight loss" procedure for many wealthy patrons and Hollywood types. And if he had just kept it to that, he would have been okay. Well more than okay. Tommy Boy who grew up in the ruins of last centuries old project system, was now wealthier than his wildest childhood fantasies. But it wasn't enough.
Regretfully for Tom, he figured out that he could blackmail his clientele, threatening to expose their dirty secret and triple his income from every surgery.
Again, he was golden. It worked like a charm. That was until he got greedy and went after Ruby Red, the countries biggest pop star, and one that struggled to keep her weight down over the years.
She was more than open to his suggestions and with her level of exposure, Tom couldn't help but overlook her zealous anticipation in place of the dollar signs that danced in his head.
Life was great, until it wasn't. Just as he was about to perform the procedure for Ms. Ruby Red, sirens began to blare and lights danced through his mansion's windows. The look of satisfaction across Ruby's face told him all he needed to know. She'd set him up. This was a sting, and she would be the starting witness.
His trial was a circus and had all the trappings of a Hollywood party compete with celebrity witnesses and a gallery that looked more like the Oscar's and less like a federal courtroom.
"GUILTY on all charges!", was the verdict read out as the courtroom exploded with tears of joy. The monster was put down.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself before sentencing?", asked the judge with stone cold steeliness in her eyes.
"Yes your honor."
"Go ahead then Mr. Billington"
Turning to the gallery which consisted of several of his victims, Tom began by telling the ladies, just how hard he had it coming up. The judge ordered him to keep it quick so Tom began asking for there forgiveness, one by one and by name. "I'm sorry for what I've done to you all. I just hope that there is some way that I can make it up to you in the future", he finished. Besides the judge and Ms Ruby Red, there was not a dry eye in the courtroom.
Feeling that the power of pity was on his side, the con man doctor awaited his sentence with eyes down to appear frightful. But as far as he saw it, there was no way, the judge would given him the maximum sentence of 25 years to life. No as he saw it, he was more likely to get several months at a comfortable federal prison, followed by years of community service. It wasn't a picnic, but Tom felt comfortable with that particular outcome.
Therefore when he heard the judge read out, "Mr. Tom Billington, the state recommends that you serve the entirety of your 25 years in prison without parole or...."
Tom's mind went blank and he heard nothing else as he saw his life passing before his eyes.
"...Retribution and release" .
His lawyers surrounded him, advising Tom to take the retribution offer. Before he knew it he heard himself ask for "retribution your honor", not exactly knowing what that meant, but it had to be better than 25 years behind bars.
"Tom's lawyers all give fived and hugged each other like they'd just won the superbowl but Tom couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as the gallery full of his now thin and sexy victims smiled wolfishly while chuckling and talking to themselves. They should be pissed off, but they weren't. Something was amiss.
Science Fiction
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
25 chapters, created 5 years
, updated 3 years
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