Waking up obese- chapter 1 matt

chapter 1

It was at first glance, impossible, or it seemed to be impossible. Matt looks over to his bedside digital alarm clock, the neon green numbers read it was only 2:34am abnormally early for Matt to suddenly be wide awake at. But surprisingly more strangely than being all of a sudden wide awake at 2am, was he felt like he was being held down into his soft bed, he felt heavy and was noticing several small beads of sweat fall down from his forehead after just a couple small attempts to stand up out of his bed. Matt has always been a thin kid, he was nothing extraordinary physically speaking, average height for a boy of his age (about to turn 19) about 5 foot 9, and at his last yearly physical doctor's appointment he recalls he only weighed in at 160 pounds, Matt was barely considered an athletic or muscular guy either. But this morning he could of sworn that he felt like he had gained at least 200 pounds since before he went to sleep the night before. After some annoyingly hard to do movements Matt got himself out of his bed. Almost out of breath but still so groggy and half asleep he could barely see more than outlines of shapes for several minutes, he walked slowly to his bedroom bathroom sink and splashed some cold water onto his face which felt much softer than in the past, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and stunned and in near complete shock stared into the mirror at himself, but not the same Matt he has always been, this Matt was for sure morbidly obese. His belly and chest had dark red stretch marks, his tan smooth body was now ballooned to the size of those guys he had seen on those Biggest Loser TV shows his mom would always watch downstairs on the couch at night. Maybe even bigger! His moobs were like big not droopy but sticking far out pillows of fat, he was at least 400 pounds at first guess. And he felt every new pound with every movement, and every second he was standing their. He explored his “new body” if this was not a nightmare he was in a state of shock if this was the new him. He lifted and jiggled cautiously his big fat blubbery soft chest and his mouth fell open. He looked down and could not see anything over his huge belly and he jiggled it around to try and convince himself that it was real or not. And oh wow, It was very real. Soft, thick heavy real, his belly was for sure more than 3 times his old size, ATLEAST. How was he going to explain this to his mom and friends tomorrow in class?! He waddled heavily breathing with every step back to his now seems to be too small for his massive size bed and collapsed down and fell to sleep until his alarm rang and read 7:30am.. Time to get dressed for school…
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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RavenBlackwing 3 years
Really great start!!