Chapter 1
"Oh my God. Look at all these porkers", said Drew looking out the window at three fat girls in swim trunks headed for the local pool. Each one was well over 200lbs with the fattest of them probably near 300lbs. Each girl was covered in cellulite and with fat hanging out of their swimming suits, all of which looked a couple of sizes too small for them.Normally, at most pools they would have been an eye sore as most fatties usually try to stay away from areas where they have to expose their bodies, but not here in Fayetteville AZ. Here the young fat girls were probably the thinnest and fittest and fittest people they had driven by.
"Jesus Drew, why do you have to be so fucking mean?", retorted back Maria before laughing herself. "I guess Google was right", she chortled.
"Whatdoya mean?"asked Drew as they let a huge couple in reinforced motorized scooters pass by. Both silently noted that each one of the non walking Fatetteville residents had to be in excess of 500lbs.
"Now they're some gordo Biggins" joked Maria while losing her train of thought watching the fat couple's bodies bounce and jiggle with each bump they hit on the sidewalk.
"So, you were say?", questioned bud. Awoken from one of her secret feedee fantasies, Maria came too. It took her a few seconds as it was hard for her to break the mental image of her and Drew both being too fat to walk long distances, growing as fat and out of shape as the couple going by. God, that turned her on, but Maria tried to put it out of her head as it was only a fantasy. She and buck were thin and successful investors, "nothing like these people", she regretfully remarked to herself.
"Earth to Maria", said Drew jokingly to his still somewhat mesmerized wife.
"Oh, the Google thing right. Well, when I looked up Fayetteville, AZ, there was lots of the normal stuff, size, economy and the rest, but what was so interesting was the town's nickname."
"Which is???"
"Fatville, America's fattest town!"
"Ha. Well looks about right", said Drew. "You sure we need to stay here? We could make visits to this Dr Wu by plane or even helicopter on weekends you know".
"Hmmmmmmmm. Nah, I tried, that was my first thought too, but the doctor insisted that i live in town until i deliver".
"Deliver? We gotta get a bun in the oven first", joked Drew before wrapping his fingers across Maria's washboard and exposed abs.
"I hate it as much as you, but she's the best fertility doctor in America. Has a virtually 100% success rate."
"Okay, but we cant stay here for long. I read somewhere that living around fat people tends to make one gain weight.
Have you looked around?", asked Drew only half in jest.
"Yeahhhhhhh", admitted Maria, "I have, and if what you said is true, I've gotta feeling this place could rub off on us. Stay here too long and we could be the ones having to use motorized scooters", said Maria, growing aroused by the thought.
"Oh, there it is", said Drew, as he slowed to make a left handed turn into the dr's parking lot.
Friends/Family Reunion
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Mutual gaining
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
12 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years
Some might think I’m being pedantic, but, for me, incorrect spelling stops the flow of t
If you let me say somthing, i wold like to see her become fatter and fatter and become more aroused about her gain, i like the plot of a fit woman turned into a horny BBW.