Which Path to Choose?

  By Algernon5  Premium

Chapter 1 - meeting with the boss

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"How are we on the Everett story?"

"I think we're close to an interview. Just waiting to hear back form my contact at FEMA."

"Good work Beatrice. Ian, what's the word from the Mayor?"

"He says that Miss Green is just a good friend, nothing more."

"Bullshit. He's either having an affair or she's his illegitimate daughter. She's young enough for both. get on it. Meeting adjourned."

As they all got up to leave, the editor had one final addendum,

"Jacob, records room, now. There's something I want to check." She said.

"Ok Julie."

Jacob, an average looking reporter, simply nodded and followed his boss to the record room, her long dark ponytail swishing from side to side as they walked.

She opened the door, checked to make sure no one was inside, she pulled him in.

Her lips were on his in seconds.

"God that meeting was so boring." She said as he kissed down her neck and began undoing the buttons on her blouse, exposing her slightly larger than average breasts.

"We can talk about something else."

"As much as I'd love that, I have another meeting with the type setter in half an hour. For once do you think you could finish quick?"

"Anything for you, boss."

The only sounds coming out of their mouths for the next twenty minutes were the pensioned sounds and moans of lovemaking.

Afterwards, as they were hurriedly putting their clothes back on, was the time for talk.

"So my folks are going to the ski lounge this weekend. they gave me another ticket in case i had a 'special guest' that I wanted to bring. Interested?"

he hesitated.

"I thought we agreed this relationship was physical only?"

"It's been 2 years. Surely you feel the same as i do."

'"I don't want to get to committed to anything right now."

Julie huffed and finished doing the two buttons on her blouse.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be a hanky panky gravy train forever. On day you have to commit to something."

As she left, Jacob sighed.

How could he tell her he loved her, but also another?

As well as all the other secrets he kept...
14 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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