She Came to Feed

  By Algernon5  Premium

Chapter 1 - arrival of the space babe

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"Night Terry!"

"Night Linda!"

As his one assistant left for the night, Terry sighed contentedly.

At the tender age of 26, he had opened his own bakery in a relatively small town, and had been living comfortably for about a year.

Sure, he hadn't really had a lot of romantic prospects, with Lina "Playing for another team" as she liked to call it, but he was still young.

As he cleaned, he gazed at the stars outside the window. Being in a small town, the stars were particularly bright.

But one seemed even brighter than the rest...

And it was getting bigger.

Racing outside, Terry saw the bright light fall to the woods behind the bakery. Before it hit, he saw it seemed to stop. he cautiously began to approach.

Before he could, his blood froze as he saw a silhouette begin to approach from the light.

The light dimmed, and he saw a very strange sight.

It looked to be a women, statuesque and stunning, with long flowing red hair, wearing a very strange piece of clothing.

Terry spoke out to her/ "Hey are you all right? What's that strange light behind you?"

She didn't speak, but kept a cold gaze on him with amber eyes. She approached and got very close , and before Terry could react she grabbed him with surprising strength and brought her lips to his.

His eyes wide, he felt a strange tingling on her tongue as it danced with hers.

After a moment that seemed to last forever, she pulled away, and gazed deep into his eyes.

"Earthling. i am Qina of the planet Quelon. Am I correct to assume you are a calorie maker?"

"Uh, are you ok? You aren't making sense."

Qina lifted him with one arm with ease.

"I have absorbed your language from my tongue meld, now answer me earthling!"

"Yes, yes I am, put me down please!"

She did, but her eyes still never left his.

"Good, I expect a large meal prepared post haste."

"Um, that might be a problem because my assistant went home and my stock is mostly for customers-"

Qina punched a boulder next to them, splitting it in two.

"Do not play games with me. In order to suitably mate, I need to accumulate adipose."

He looked confused.

"You have to get fat?"
9 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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