Stolen Glances, Stolen Sweets

  By Algernon5  Premium

Chapter 1 - new arrival

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The rain drifted over the small town, a roaring storm giving way to a soft drizzle.

Marcus observed the weather patterns from the window of his stage coach. He would rather be anywhere else.

he had planned on spending the summer preparing to take the officer's exam, and join his countries navy. Instead, he was informed that he would be spending the summer with old family friends, the De Gaul's. He had never displayed an interest in courtly affairs and the process of courtship, something his parents had obviously hoped to fix this summer.

It wouldn't be all that bad, he reminded himself.

She would be there.

As the stage coach approached the De Gaul manor, Marcus steeled himself, and prepared to enter. He was met by the family's loyal butler Nathaniel, the years since they had last met added some gray to his beard, but he retained his jovial smile.

"Ah, master Marcus. It is good to see you again after all this time."

"You as well, Nathaniel."

"Master De Gaul is awaiting you in the dining room. I assume you remember the way?"

He nodded, and Nathaniel stepped out of the way to allow Marcus to enter.

As he opened the door to enter, he heard the angelic voice he was hoping to hear call out.

"Marcus! You're finally here!"

Looking up the grand staircase that dominated the foyer, Marcus saw the one thing that would make this trip worth it.

Delilah De Gaul remained the most beautiful woman Marcus had ever seen. Raven black hair cascaded over her smooth heart shaped face, framing dark green eyes and full lips. Other areas of her had also developed in the years since they had last met, he noticed.

The dress she was wearing, while modest, still showed that she had grown curvaceously, with her bosom and rear making the most wonderful hourglass.

"Good to see you, Delilah. It's been too long."

"Come! Father is waiting for us in the dining room. And i am positively famished!"

She descended the stairs, Marcus averting his gaze as the steps made her jiggle in impure places. Then he followed her into the dining room.
7 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
6   1   1953

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Karenjenk 4 years
1- AND??????