
  By Algernon5  Premium

Chapter 1 - Dark revelations

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Tracy finished the incantation and pricked her finger.

The young girl was dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, her dark bleu hair pulled back into a ponytail.
She waited for something to happen, but nothing did.
“I knew this piece of shit was too good to be true!”
She threw the boo she had found in the thrift shore across the room, and turned towards the door.
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.”
Tracy stopped with her hand on the doorknob.
She felt her heart race and the blood rush to her ears. She slowly turned around. Laying on a chair she had set up in her room, was a woman with deep crimson skin, long horns, and black hair. Her eyes were deep black with amber corneas. The woman was wearing stockings, a thong, and nothing else.
Wordlessly, the woman walked over to Tracy, picked up her bloody finger and brought it to her very warm mouth.
“Mmm… Delicious.”
Tracy finally gained some semblance of speech.
“Call me Deverona, Devi to my friends. I assume you are the one who summoned the ultimate pleasure?”
Tracy gulped.
“Uh yeah. I’m Tracy. And I thought this was going to just be a waste of time. Please don’t take my soul.”
Devi stared deep into Tracy’s eyes. The she reared her head back and laughed.
“I’m going to let you in on a little secret Tracy. We don’t take souls. Succubus, at least. We spread that rumor to keep us from being inundated with requests. You can have sex with me as much as you want, and there will still be a chance for you to enter the pearly gates.”
Tracy took some time to consider this.
“Ok. Does this mean we can have sex now?”
Tracy began to slowly unzip her hoodie.
“Wait one moment please.”
Devi placed her hands on Tracy’s temples, the planted a deep kiss on the bluenette. Devi stared into Tracy’s wide eyes the entire time.
She pulled away and smiled at Tracy.
‘My my. Quite the glutton, are we?”
“I just found out your deepest sexual desire. And yours is to have more cushion for the pushin.”
Tracy looked down, past her lean and fit body, kept that way by daily diet and exercise.
“I think your mistak-.”
Out of nowhere Devi pulls an éclair and shoves it into Tracy’s mouth.
Synapse’s fired and sparked in her head. Visions of her childhood, feeling strange feelings when watching certain cartoons, putting pillows in her shirt, and the fact that she ate way too much whenever she got drunk.
“Holy shit.” Tracy processed what happened.
“You think your my first feedee? You should see the cheerleader that summoned me last year. Should be pretty easy. She’s practically visible from space now.”
Tracy put her hands on her flat stomach and breathed heavily.
She turned to Devi.
“Please, I want to get fat.”
3 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
7   3   2153

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Theswordsman 3 years
Please continue i want to see how big they get
Karenjenk 4 years
This is a great start.
I like that she didnt just pork out instantly
You could... you know...
make he gain so much that she wanted to stop or slow down... and of course....