To Be the Fattest

  By Algernon5  Premium

Chapter 1

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Jane made her way through the dining hall, awkwardly drinking from a red solo cup.

She was surrounded by men and women, all enthusiastically talking about what had brought them here.


Glorious fat.

Making fat, being fat, all of it.

Ever since Jane had seen a certain episode of a certain fetish bait cartoon as a child, this had been her dream.

Not to be fat, not even to be fed.

But to be FATTENED.

Just the thought brought a blush to her cheeks.

But an overbearing mother and great ambitions had forced Jane to have a tight, lean body, the body of a track runner.

But that same body that brought her so much attention would do her no favors here, so she wore a baggy sweatshirt to hide just how petite she really was.

The irony was not lost on her.

On her wrist was an armband with an Fe symbol, showing that she was a feedee.

Her goal that night was to find someone with an Fr symbol, or a feeder.

The few guys she had talked to seemed nice, but they lacked that sizzle she was looking for.

She was moments away from deciding to cut her losses and go home when she was so lost in thought she accidentally walked into someone and spilled her drink.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry."

The man just laughed and wiped some beer off his face.

"It's fine, i hated this shirt anyway."

Both caught sight of the other's wrist band, Jane noticing how the stranger's was marked Fr.

"Well the least I can do after spilling my drink all over you is tell you my name. I'm Jane by the way."

He laughed.

'Marcus. It's a pleasure to meet you. if you don't mind me asking, you don't seem like the type to come to these sorts of things."

She laughed and blushed, dropping her eyes from his.

"It's a long story, but I am definitely not here by mistake."

He gestured to an empty table.

"If you don't mind, I have all night."

She smiled at him.

"I think I can spare some time to tell it, if you are so interested"

Marcus walked her over to the table, and Jane had to keep herself composed

It was finally happening..
8 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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