Nat Balloons

Chapter 1

I had just arrived at the restaurant for the reception after my dad's funeral. I was pretty bummed out, I really miss him. My dad was my mentor as well. I followed him into the food business and I was emulating him in my appearance was well.

My dad weight nearly four hundred pounds when he passed away and at times during his lifetime weighed well over four hundred pounds. He loved to eat and loved being fat. He had a group of friends at this restaurant that felt the same way about food, eating and weight and he was their unofficial leader.

I helped my two hundred and thirty pound mom waddle to a table. She asked, "Nat, dearest, get me a couple plates of food, would you dear?" I replied, "Of course mom, what should I get?" "Oh you know dear what I like. Just make sure it's rich and heavy." I love my mom! I went over to the buffet and loaded up a couple of plates for my mom and served her. "Oh thank you dearest. Now make sure you get enough to eat." She poked my forty six inch waist causing my big belly jiggle. "Yes mom."

I headed for the buffet line; I am my father's son after all. I started loading some plates, when one of my dad's best friends came up to me. His name is Ned and he and dad went back a long way. "Nat, hey so sorry about your dad, he was my best friend." "Thank you Ned, I appreciate that. I know I'm going to miss him too." "Nat I wanted to talk to you about spending more time here. You know your dad was kind of our mentor and leader, we would really like to see a lot more of you." I looked at Ned, he weighed over three hundred and fifty pounds, with a massive belly. I also thought of his pun too.

"Ned, yes I could start coming by more often." "That's fine, Nat, but we would like you come by every day, just like your dad did." "Ah, Ned, that's quite a commitment." "I know Nat, but you're not married, so where else do you have to be?" "Okay Ned, let me think about it, okay?" "That would be great Nat, I'll tell the guys you're considering joining us." Before I could say anything else, Ned waddled over to another table.

I carried my plates to my mom's table and set them down. "Oh Nat dear, that isn't enough for you, please get some more plates dear." "Mom, this is fine." "Please honey, you know dad would really want you to eat lot, especially today." I went back and filled three more plates and brought them back. I saw Ned and the crew watching me. I sat down and started eating, it did feel great to just eat, which I enjoy. I weigh two hundred and fifty pounds, not in my dad's league, but I still have a good size belly.
I pounded down all five plates, I sat back rubbing my engorged belly through my stretched shirt.

Mom said, "Nat go get another serving, you know your dad would want you to. I got up and half waddled half staggered to the buffet, filled up six more plates and went back and started to eat. My mom looked over and smiled, "Nat you're such a good boy." "Urrp, thanks, mom."

I finished those and sat leaning back in my chair in kind of a food coma. My mom announced that her sister, my aunt Claire would take her home. "Nat I want you to stay, some of your dad's friends really want to talk to you." I thought, yeah I know. She left with my aunt.

No sooner did she leave than Ned came over to my table. He was carrying a tray covered with plates of food and several beers. "Nat, you need to eat more and have some beers, while I talk to you about coming in here every day like your dad did." I started eating and drinking, I really didn't feel like I was getting full, I just kept shoveling food into my mouth and downing beers. Ned kept refilling plates and bringing more beers. After two hours of constant eating and drinking I was engorged, bloated, and drunk.

The guys crowded around the table, "So Nat, are you going to come by every night like your dad did?" Asked Ned. " I looked at them, my belly was sagging onto my thighs, my belt was undone, my pants unzipped and shirt ripped. "Urrp, excuse me." I slurred. I patted my engorged belly, "Can I do this every night, if I come in?" Ned laughed, so did the other guys, "Nat yes you can. You can eat and drink even more if you want too." "That sounds great! Can someone take me home? I don't think I can walk."

That began the best days of my life. I went to the buffet every evening from then on. My weight hit three hundred pounds three months later. I got to three fifty two month after that and passed my dad's weight two months after that.

My mom loved how fat I got; after all she loved my dad.

It was the year anniversary of my dad's passing. I weighed nearly four hundred pounds. I was barely mobile, given I'm only five foot ten inches tall. The guys all toasted me as we sat in the largest booth at the buffet. My massive belly sagged between my legs and spread them out. It jiggled with any move I made. The guys raised their beer mugs, "To Nat, the fattest of the fat!"
1 chapter, created 5 years , updated 3 years
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