Ashley and tammy

chapter 1

"Holy shit!", thought Thomas Baker to himself as the numbers, "2, 8, and 4", stared back at him in their digital form from one of "Porky's" public bathroom coin operated scales. It had been months since he'd dropped a quarter into the coin operated device. The last time he'd weighed himself, the exact same numbers displayed themselves, just in the combination of "2, 4", and finished off the highest number, "8".

The numbers themselves weren't at all upsetting. It was their order this time that shocked eventually shook Tom to his now soft and quivering core. Upon first seeing those Arabic numerals, Tom pleasingly thought to himself, "248, not bad, not bad at all Tummy boy!", he chided himself while rubbing his hands over his rounded out belly. In fact, Tom's misreading was a little lower than he'd thought. Tom had assessed his burgeoning frame to weigh somewhere around the mid two fifties. Sure he'd softened up for his new girlfriend Ashley, but Tom figured that the reason the numbers hadn't gone up, while his belly and hips expanded, was due to the loss of muscle mass.

And while the "t-blockers" Ashley had provided him did greatly reduce his former muscle mass, Tom had gained over 40lbs of pure flab, when compared to the loss of ten pounds of lean muscle. His temporary jubilance over somehow not gaining any weight over the past three months or so, was extremely short lived.

However, upon a second, third, and even a fourth gander, Tom's eye's first, then his cock grew larger and larger as he realized that his actual weight was a lot more than almost 250 pounds. And 250 pounds was the heaviest he'd ever been, "right?"

"How the fuck?", said Tom, stepping off the scale, putting in another quarter, and stepping back up. Once again, "284 pounds", was digitally displayed. Just then, it hit him. Tom's squishy belly felt fatter and heavier than he'd ever imagined. Just knowing he was some 30 or so pounds heavier, made him feel both revolted and sexier than he'd ever felt in his whole life. The extremely high numbers scared him, but Tom soon found those fears alleviated when he thought about his girlfriend Ashley grabbing hold of his belly as she fucked him from behind.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Inthecourt 3 years
Interesting scenario