Bellows Farm

Chapter 1

I walked into our lunch room at DynaTech where I work. I had been transferred to this office the headquarters actually six months ago. The office was in a medium size town in Mississippi.

My wife, daughter and I had moved into a new, large development on the outskirts of town. The development was called Bellows Farm, after the former owners. The land had been a large hog operation with feeding sheds and barns. It now had nearly one thousand homes, its own mall/shopping area and schools.

It also had a serious secret, which was why I decided to seek out a fellow employee who also lives in Bellows Farm. My name is Matt, by wife Sally and daughter Missy.

As I walked in, I saw the guy I wanted to chat with, his name was Dan. He was sitting alone eating a large sandwich, with fries, a shake and an ice cream sundae. Dan had the start of a pretty good sized belly. When I started at the office he must have been thirty pounds lighter.

“Hey Dan, do you mind if I join you?” “No Matt not at all, please sit down.” I sat down, and pulled out my large but still somewhat modest lunch. Dan asked, “Matt are you and your family settling in?” “Yeah, Dan, we are, but I have some concerns about the development. May I ask you a question and please don’t be offended and if you don’t want to answer, that it fine with me.” Dan smiled, he absently patted his growing paunch, “Matt I think I know what your question is. But please ask away.”

“Dan have your wife and daughters gained weight. I mean not just a pound or two, but really packing it on?” Dan chuckled, patted his belly again. “Yes Matt they have. I take it your daughter and wife are putting on weight now too.” “They are Dan and quite a bit too. I just don’t understand how though.”

Dan shifted his weight and started on his sundae. “Matt let me tell you how things went for Jill, Morgan, Susie and I. I got transferred down here about a year ago. I had been moving up the company ladder fairly quickly and we had been transfered one other time, but the girls were really little. This last time, Jill was not happy about moving. In fact Jill was not happy about pretty much everything. Our marriage had cooled, we got along okay, but not much intimacy. We got along well enough and we both wanted to stay together for the girl’s sake if nothing else. I found the house and Jill came later and checked it out. It was in the summer and most everyone was indoors so we didn’t meet any neighbors until after we moved in.

Jill was, at first, taken aback by how heavy our next door neighbors were. She complained to me about it the first day we met them but that was last I heard of any complaints about anyone’s weight. No sooner did we move in than I had to take a week long trip up to Chicago, for a big sales presentation.

I would call every night and say good night to the Morgan and Susie and chat for a minute or two with Jill. As the week went on, it seemed they all were happier and happier. The girls told me about school and new friends. Jill also seemed pleasant too. But what struck me later, they were all smacking their lips, like they were eating. I thought I called late enough that they would be finished with dinner, but, every night, they were talking to me with their mouths full.

I got back early on Friday evening. I went in the house and I was stunned! Jill, Morgan and Susie were all dressed in panties and t-shirts. Jill had ordered several pizzas and they were really chowing down. I walked in and just stared at my girls. Jill smiled, “Hi honey welcome home! Sit down and have some pizza with us.” I couldn’t believe that Jill, was eating pizza! I was stunned.

“Why was that a surprise?” I asked innocently. “Matt, Jill was a Pilates and yoga instructor. She dieted constantly and was before we moved here, a vegetarian.”

The other thing I noticed about that night. Jill, Morgan and Susie had all gained weight. Jill’s belly was sticking out, her panties were much tighter around her bottom and thighs. The girls looked bloated, with both of their tummies bulging. I watched as Jill downed three slices of peperoni, then two slices of sausage, and three slices of extra cheese. Her mouth had a ring of grease around it, there were even grease stains on her t-shirt. She drank a liter of regular coke. The girls were having chocolate milk.
3 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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