Weight gain stories


Feeding Maxine

I've always had fantasies of skinny girls getting fat and of fat girls getting fatter. Until now that killed my relationships. But now I've found a girlfriend who likes it, maybe even more than me. I have to ask one thing. How fat is fat enough?   More ▼

Candy Finds Herself

Candy wins a trip to Vegas, where she learns of her own secret desires and ends up eating far more than she had been told to. Far, FAR more. In the process she makes an admirer. Stuff happens, to people, IN A PLACE!   More ▼


Darla has been with Steve for about a year when she starts gaining weight. She loves that Steve is suddenly enthusiastic and passionate in bed, and is pretty sure she knows why.   More ▼

Judy and Jealousy

Judy has always envied her sister Peggy. Peggy was the pretty one, the thin one. But when Judy finds her love of stuffing herself, and a man who likes that too, everything changes, even Peggy   More ▼

Doubled Debbie

Debbie has lived her whole life flat as a pancake. She is willing to do anything to get larger breasts, what if it required getting a larger everything else too.   More ▼

Not Enough Karen in the World

Karen met a guy named James, who she absolutely adored, only to find that James had a secret. He liked fat girls, like, REALLY fat girls, how far will Karen go to please James, and what will she learn about herself in the process?   More ▼

Haley Gets Huge

Haley finds Frankie, a wealthy feeder who quickly becomes obsessed with watching her eat and gain. Especially watching her enjoy herself, which she does in more ways than one.   More ▼

Demonic Desires

Sharon becomes host to a demon hellbent on making her give in to her desires to excessive extremes far beyond what is naturally possible. Her desire is simple, eating. The demon gets some surprising help in its goals.   More ▼

January Second

Eva got a diary as a teenager, and has kept it to this day. It keeps track of her growth from just over 100 pounds, to 400. She wrote only sporadically except for one day each year, when she faithfully recorded her weight.   More ▼

Short Story

Intentionally written to be ambiguous as to the speaker. So have fun imagining whatever you want.   More ▼
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