College weight gain stories

Gorgetown University

The Swallowing Gene

Ben befriends Ijah, a girl at school with a talent to swallow large things whole easily. Ben soon meets Ijahs mother, Tiffany who shows him that the swallowing ability runs in the family and that she is able and willing to us it to protect Ijah. VORE   More ▼


An aspiring SSBHM director, still in college, struggles with his self-image, until a gorgeous, slim classmate shows him how hot he already is.   More ▼

Room 306  

Axel spends a night in room 306   More ▼

Fast Food

A boy gets beyond obese ( Written neutrally for everyone   More ▼

You're so Beautiful

You're a doting partner watching your wife expand all for the sake of her cute smile. One-shot; Art by Trinity-Fate on DeviantArt   More ▼

No More Gymnastics

I posted this story a couple of months ago, but was told be site admin. to amend or take down. I took all three down, however I have revised this series making it clear that all three protagonists are over eighteen.   More ▼

Camp Pig

Jack is a self centered jock and his girlfriend is sick of it so she sends him to Camp Pig to become the fat pig of her dreams, whether he likes it or not.   More ▼

Someone to Blame

Fat girls wanting to blame mcdonalds meet thinner girls and make them fat too   More ▼

No More Gymnastics, Part Three

Jill and Sally decide to support their best friend Melissa be becoming fat, so she wouldn't feel so bad about how fat she has become. Carol and Katie support the girls decision.   More ▼