Helpless weight gain stories


Your Fun Size Horror Story

Are you near the Halloween candy bowl? You should walk away while you are still able to move! A bite-size 100-word flash fiction story for Halloween.   More ▼

Delicously Dispicable

Fit and attractive Dayle had being dating his bubbly, beautiful, slim girlfriend Ashley for the last 2 months and she has no idea of his dark side. Dayle is a warewolf who preys on vunerable young women, fattening them up to eat.   More ▼

The Night of the Living Fat

Zombies are part of the pop culture, but what if I told you that all these movies aree wrong and istead of corpses, the zombie virus have fattening consequences? Let's follow the life of one of the survivors!   More ▼

Chances Are Awfully Good....that I'm in Love With You

I thought I lost this story, but it was thankfully recovered. A continuation of the Jenna and Sloane saga. Make sure to read "Chances Are Awfully Good" first.   More ▼

Newly Chubby Hubby

A recently-married couple realize that they have each been holding back on expressing their strange desires, and now they are embarking on a fat future together.   More ▼

The Homewrecker (free Preview)

A loving couple moves into a new neighborhood with their soon to be bundle of joy expected to come any day now when the next door neighbor comes to greet them and immediately becomes attracted to the husband.   More ▼

Just Something I Wrote Last Summer

Just something I wrote last summer. I've always wanted to try out some of my darker tendencies.   More ▼

A Fat Girl Grows Fatter

Locked Down, and Plumping up - Part Five (a Widely Welcome Reception)

Forced to return to working on site for now, Sarah quickly finds that she's not the only one getting chubby - starting with their young, blonde receptionist, Kate.   More ▼
