Romantic weight gain stories


Plot Thickening

There’s not much than can get in the way of their love. She didn’t mean to let her eating get out of control, she did though, and the results are starting to get between them…   More ▼

Exceding Her Expectations

_extremely_ sensual, erotic and explicit. Definitely not for the faint hearted   More ▼

The Lost Weekend


College Athletes Don't Always Remain in Shape

This story of a couple of college athletes almost predestined to live together post-graduation. Features a taller female volleyball player with FFA tendencies, and a male Cross Country athlete who slowly fills space.   More ▼

The Spot

Milky’s New Servant

Commissioned story, OC belongs to MarvelousKyoi. A celebrity catgirl is found to be exceedingly fat and immobile, but loves it. You, her new (male) hire, get to meet her for the first time and... well, enjoy each other. Consensually. Art by HDOODLEZ.   More ▼

The Fat Fat Godfather

I always saw him as an example, I wanted to be like him, actually with the passage of time I discovered that I wanted more with him than just the relationship that united us, I was surprised to discover that he also wanted more like me   More ▼

Shaped Like a Heart

A recently rediscovered Valentine Day vignette from long ago. Inspired by someone special I once roleplayed with back when I was a slender feeder.   More ▼

Ashley's House of Growth