Girlfriend weight gain stories

Janine's Big College Gain

Based off a contest from, Janine starts growing and gaining with the help of her boyfriend Kevin, throughout college. Should there be a sequel?   More ▼

Till Death Do Us Part

Hot Fudge Cake

A sweet tooth leads to oral pleasures in bed, as the narrator grows fat between your thighs. Can be read as lesbian couple with BBW narrator or straight couple with BHM narrator. Chapter 3 is my poem which inspired the story.   More ▼

The Cheater... Preview

The Half-ton Teacher’s First Day

My 2nd commission from Patreon, it's a little different and I love it. Meet Trisha Harrinton, a nearly half-ton newly hired teacher who found herself in a very unique and *totally* believable situation. (sarcasm at the end here)   More ▼

The Pre-nuptail

A girl from the wrong side of tracks becomes engaged to an overweight, but wealthy guy. His mother makes sure she pays the price for marrying money and forces her to sign a pre-nuptial agreement that makes a weight gain requirement.   More ▼


A women looks apon her reflection, seeing how large she has gotten. And reflects on how this happened to her A one shot story (Only 1 chapter)   More ▼


Lots of trigger warnings:self-harm, attempted suicide, physical abuse, homophobia,psych ward. A depressed young man winds up in a hospital after a suicide attempt.His FFA therapist may be the one to help him see his future is brighter than he thinks   More ▼

The Cooking Teacher

Inspired by a real observation decades ago.The main character will have some measurements similar to our current cooking teacher on FF.Complete   More ▼

Eating for Two

A young couple moves to a new city, they both have jobs and both start to put on weight neither one is concerned, she though becomes pregnant and her co-workers are making sure she's eating for two.   More ▼