Weight Training

Chapter 1

Sara had always been “pleasingly pump” as a child and teenager. She married her high school sweetheart and after college settled down in a medium size mid-west city.
Sara had a large circle of friends of all body types and she was active in several civic and social organizations. She also was quite fat. She loved her weight and so did her FA husband, who as the high school quarterback sought out the plumpest cheer leader on the squad. Being naturally heavy and after three pregnancies Sara now weighed around 220 lbs, “around” she gained during the holidays and usually lost a little (though never deliberately) and only being 5’3” tall.

Jennifer, was one of Sara’s best friends and a “bingeing buddy” too. But that was not always the case. In fact when Jen first moved to town she didn’t want anything to do with those “fat women”.

Jennifer had moved to town a couple of years ago. She could not have children, and her husband, Bob had always known this and was okay with it. Jennifer was a stay at home wife. Bob was the new partner at the oldest law firm in town, so money was not a problem. Jen worked out every day, she swam and played tennis at the club, only ate fruits and vegetables and watched her weight constantly.

Sara’s husband, Harry, owned a car dealership and he was a big client of Bob’s firm, so Jen and Bob entertained Harry and Sara at least once or twice a year.

Sara first met Jen at garden club. Jen was polite and did at least try to have a conversation, but having no children and new to town there was not much to talk about. Sara always felt that Jen was grossed out by how fat Sara was. When ever they were at Jen and Bob’s for dinner, Jen always seemed uncomfortable serving Sara anything during dinner.

Well things changed dramatically. Bob’s secretary, Sally, who had been another workout freak like Jen, got pregnant. She had some difficulty carrying the baby so she had to cut way back if not eliminate exercise completely from her routine. Well needless to say, with her husband’s encouragement Sally, gained nearly 80 lbs. “eating for two”. When she came back to work she had not lost any weight at all. Bob could not believe how much he enjoyed looking at her waddle around the office, overflowing her chair and watching her snack away the day. He gave her a raise and promoted her to office manager.

He would come home and rave about what a great job Sally was doing for him, so much so that Jen became a little envious of her.

The event that really set things in motion was the office Christmas party. Jen almost never visited Bob’s office. She didn’t want to be the nagging wife to his staff. So when she finally saw Sally again after a year she was shocked by how fat she had become.

On the way home she said to Bob, “God, I can’t believe what a blimp Sally has become, she used to have such a slim figure, she really must be making a pig of herself.”
Bob was furious, he was so tried of the little pencil waif that Jen had become, he barely ever made love to her anymore, the frustration came to head with Jen’s mean comment about Sally’s weight.

Bob retorted, “That was mean, why to you have to bring her down, I think she looks fantastic and she is so much happier not beating herself up at the health club anymore, maybe you should take a lesson from her and stop being so mean and self righteous!”

Jennifer was shocked, with tears streaming down her face, she and Bob drove home in silence. Bob slept in the den that night making a comment under his breath about not wanting to get poked all night by Jen’s boney little body.

Bob got up and left early for work. Jen got up and went to the club to work out. When Bob called earlier to talk to her, he became annoyed when she said she had just returned from working out. He said, “You just don’t get it do you?” and hung up.

Jen fretted all day what Bob’s return home would bring. He arrived on time and with flowers and a big box of chocolates. He gave Jen a kiss, she was so relieved she hugged him back. Bob said, “Let’s go out to dinner honey, and why don’t you wear that little black cocktail dress that is so tight.” Jen again was so relieved she would gone out to dinner naked, hurried upstairs to change.

They went to the nicest restaurants in town, Bob said, “I will order for both of us, ok dear.” Jennifer just nodded. Bob ordered the huge prime rib dinner for both of them, with mashed potatoes for Jen and Yorkshire pudding too.

When the food arrived Jen just stared at it for a minute, she looked and Bob was watching her. She started to get a clue and dug into dinner with a resolve to eat as much as she could. She did ok to. When the waiter came over to ask if they wanted desert, Bob ordered a cheese cake for Jen before she could say a word. Bob also made sure that Jen’s wine glass was never empty, that helped her appetite and she didn’t feel as full.
She did eat most of the cheese cake though Jen felt that she would explode from all the food she had eaten. When they got up to leave, Bob, much to his delight, had to help a now very bloated Jen to her feet and walk her out the car.

Her dress rode up on her distended belly showing tight panties. Jen rubbed her belly the whole way home. Bob gently helped her out of the car and into the house. Up in their room he helped a slightly drunk and very bloated Jen out of her dress. Jen stared at her image in he mirror, she could not believe how bloated she was. She was just about to apologize for being such a pig tonight, when Bob came over and started caressing her all over, he lovingly guided her to the bed where they made love several times that night. It was the best of their marriage. Bob fed Jen chocolates off and on in between “sessions”.
3 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Zxcv 3 years
Terrific, simply loved this story, thanks!