Girlfriend weight gain stories

Farm Boy

What has she done? Giving up city life, Dianne finds herself living in a small, rural community. It could be hell on earth, but for the very handsome nineteen year old farm boy, who seems strangely drawn to her kinky past...   More ▼

My Personal Baby Machine  

“A while back, my husband lost me in a card game. Now, I belong to someone else. All I ever wanted from life was to serve a good man, get big and fat and have a basket full of babies. I hate being so pretty."   More ▼

Emily: P.o.v - 620 Pounds

[CHAPTERS 11 - 21 ADDED] *contains explicit sex* A glimpse of Emily’s life when she weighed a mere 620 pound! Contains lots of gluttony and explicit sex in later chapters. I would recommend reading ‘Rise Of Emily’ first   More ▼

First Date Fun

Laly gets more than she bargained for on our first date in Boston. Based loosely on a true story. My first story! please leave comments or message me with suggestions:)   More ▼

Captured and Force Fed by the Sheikh  

Tennis pro Tessa meets Khalid at her last tournament in Dubai. They instantly have chemistry. But to be the woman of his dreams and a successful Model in Dubai, Tessa has to gain. Also rich Khalid has no scruples to force her. Will Tessa subordinate?   More ▼

The Bimbo Pill  

A couple is pressured into testing a powerful new drug for the husband's employer. It's supposed to be a version of Viagra for women. But it's more than that. Tom's wife begins to change and their life becomes too hot to handle.   More ▼

His Mother

When Michaela met Brendan, A famous actor she knew that her life would never be the same once they started dating, However what she didn't know is that his mother would bring the biggest change to her life   More ▼

The Fat Secretary

A man's marriage falls apart after he accidentally knocks up his fat secretary. When his gorgeous wife leaves him, he finds himself stuck with a growing pig of a woman.   More ▼

Freak Love  

COMPLETE 3/10/24 In the 1930s, a skinny chef and a circus fat man find freedom and bliss together. Light slob/gas, light power play (male dom/fem sub), stuffing, adoring domesticity. Also, loads of historical inaccuracies.//   More ▼

Mortal Seed  

A lovely CIA spy is sent into Russia to kill her counterpart. However, things go very wrong and she is captured. The outcome triggers a bizarre series of events that no one would have expected.   More ▼