Girlfriend weight gain stories

Santa Mammon

A Christmas party at the Royal Academy of Diavolo is missing a fat and jolly Santa Claus.... lucky there's a certain demon on the naughty list who's properly force fed for the role! Sara Faye belongs to me, Lucifer, Mammon, Diavolo copyright Solmare   More ▼

Spoiled Greed

More of money grubbing Mammon, here he gets spoiled after winning a contest, inspired by a few lines from the game. Sara Faye belongs to me, Levi, Mammon, Diavolo, copyright Solmare   More ▼

The Tale of Lucy

Lucy gets a date with the man of her dreams, but all is not as it seems   More ▼

Always More for the Babies

As Your Feeder

Short description of how a truly devoted feeder would help turn his feedee into a well fed morbidly fat person   More ▼


I guess I got what I deserved   More ▼

Burparella [free Preview]

Bethany feels mortified when her overeating at lunch leads to a breach of etiquette in front of a male coworker she's attracted to - but could that one moment lead to all of her dreams coming true?   More ▼

Epicureanism Erotica: Eating for Me., Eat From Me, Eat to Please.

There are so many ways to say eat for me... but how about we let My muffled moans beneath your increasing weight do the talking. One... more... bite.   More ▼

Ethan Burgeoning Desires

In a modern city full of diverse desires and cravings, there lived a young and confident feedee named Ethan   More ▼

An Evening Phone Call

Nat gets a phone call from a former lab partner, who he has seen in months. He picks up a now morbidly obese Heather at the bus station, what happens next..   More ▼