Sexy weight gain stories

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The Stowaway

A desperate young man on the run finds himself stuck in the high seas after a tumultuous night. Will he be discovered, and what punishment awaits? Themes: Submission and domination, forced weight gain, gay eroticism and sex, EXTREMELY gay.   More ▼

No Way Back

When an ambitious researcher sets off to uncover the mysteries surrounding the isolated civilization of Paruthma island, the young blonde discovers why nobody has ever contacted the island’s natives and escaped to tell the tale.   More ▼

Hidden Depths

An anxious young woman and her boyfriend experience some remarkable physical and mental changes after a new purchase enters their home. Contains weight gain, sub/dom themes, pregnancy, lactation. X-rated.   More ▼

Peter Parker: Porker

After breaking up with Mary Jane, Peter has a tough go of it. He fills the void in his life with food, which impacts his ability to perform as a super hero.   More ▼


Scott knows his girlfriend is a freak. How could anyone get off on feeding such grotesque fat guys? But with their open-relationship, she's free to explore and satisfy her own kinks; keeping them well away from him. Or so he thinks...   More ▼

The Fattening of Sophia Lopez


“Smile for the camera!” the photographer called. Jason and Heather grinned down the lens, the biggest, widest, toothiest grins of the day. It may have been their wedding, but they weren’t smiling about that. They both had a secret.   More ▼

The Blossoming Bunnies

A trio of girls are caught cheating at the 'Blossoming Bunny': the city's premier casino. They soon find themselves gradually transforming into the plump figures of the casino's titular girls**Chapter 10 added - Leave a like for additional chapters**   More ▼

My Big Girl (premium)