Sexy weight gain stories

A Hefty Heist

Ellie, a slick thief, must willfully go along with the desires of a wealthy feeder in order to get close enough to pull off the biggest heist of her career.   More ▼

The Sacred Ritual

I realized with panic that there was no predicting what would happen if I stayed in this country. Just how fat was I going to get? *FINISHED*   More ▼

The Mad Feeder - (finished)

A Russian fugitive kidnaps 3 American girls and force feed/fatten them to extraordinary sizes. Stockholm syndrome, psychological manipulation, feedism. Be warned it's really really dark.   More ▼

Jessica and Her Big Mouth  

Trip of a Lifetime  

Three college best friends get the chance to go on a free vacation to Las Vegas. At least, that's what they think. Their lives are about to change in a massive way.   More ▼

Ava's "lockdown 15..."

Follow from Josh's perspective as his new roommate come girlfriend awakens a fetish he didn't know he had.   More ▼

More Than Expected  

After a night neither of them will forget, Tyler and Michelle will gain more than they expected.   More ▼

The Skinny Fiancé

Allison was excited to spend the rest of her life with Jeremy until she peeked at her fiancé's computer and saw what he was really into. Now Allison has to decide — can she handle the weight?   More ▼

Grand Theft Amore  

Pop icon Bailey Sharp will do anything to achieve the blubbery body of her dreams, including lie, steal, and wreak havoc. Sequel to B&B2. (COMPLETE)   More ▼

A Matter of Taste

What has happened to Rachel? Once desperately in love with her skinny boyfriend, now she can't stand the sight of him. These days, she only has eyes for the huge couple she's sharing a house with. The same couple with a secret agenda to fatten her up   More ▼