Sexy weight gain stories

Quitting the Gym

Rita is a fit girl. She stays in shape and goes to the gym regularly, but all that is about to change when her new roommate Jessica moves in. Jess has a secret, she loves the way chubby girls look and she loves watching her roommate indulge herself.   More ▼

The Man Who Stuffed the Girls

Harry is a boss at a marketing company in London. He is fair and treats his employees right, but has a dark secret. One which leaves him with an unquenchable desire to make every woman he is attracted to as fat as possible.   More ▼


An introspective weight gain story. Updated 12/14/21 with tags updated, errors fixed, and a little more spice thrown in here and there.   More ▼

Mind Mischief

A teacher figures out my hidden desires, and makes use of them.   More ▼

Kelsey Halloween and Beyond  


All That She Wants

Belinda has been abused and neglected by her step mother and step sister for years when all she ever wanted was for them to love her and let her take care of them. A turn of events and her own brilliance will help her finally get what she wants.   More ▼

Ami at the Bathhouse  

Ami gains more than experience working at a bathhouse.   More ▼

The Fat One

After Chelsea meets Mollie she discovers that she is in fact a lesbian with a fat fetish! Although she’s determined to become the fat one of the relationship!   More ▼

The Birthday Wish

[complete] A closeted feedee tells her husband about her kink and asks for a special birthday treatment.   More ▼