Sexy weight gain stories

The Fat Secretary 2

The Homewrecker (full)  

A loving couple moves into a new neighborhood with their soon to be bundle of joy expected to come any day now when the next door neighbor comes to greet them and immediately becomes attracted to the husband.   More ▼

Dare to Watch?

Julia is dared to watch a mysterious hypnosis video her friend found. Now, Julia can't stop re-watching it, and can't stop eating and gaining weight because of it.   More ▼

To the Max

Meg is a pretty girl, so why won't the handsome Max return her advances? Determined to get what she wants, Meg sources a love potion. But a handsome face may not always be the full picture...   More ▼

Justin Takes the Cake  

SSBHM Justin's eating is out of control, and his girlfriend Tiffany loves indulging his huge appetite - but this time has he taken things too far?   More ▼

Dominant Goddess in the Making

This is my first story. Jenny is a chubby 20- something blonde with a lot of insecurities and even more desires: She is a secret feedee that wants to be admired and pampered.   More ▼

What the Hell Is This?  


Tony is a Pudgy guy, he had promised to tone up for his girlfriend, Alice. Sick of never being satisfied Alice decides to take matters into her own hands with the help of her friend. (There will be more soon.)   More ▼

The Assassin

A gun for hire has a kink for fat women. He runs across a Big Beautiful Woman at an unexpected time and it leads to big changes in his life. Finished 10/19/23. A little different than my usual, I hope you liked it.   More ▼

F**k My Fat Girlfriend

What do you do when you're repulsed by your girlfriend's weight gain, but she keeps getting hornier with every pound? Start a website giving lucky chubby-chasers the chance to feed, humiliate and f**k her on film, of course!   More ▼