Family weight gain stories

College Athletes Don't Always Remain in Shape

This story of a couple of college athletes almost predestined to live together post-graduation. Features a taller female volleyball player with FFA tendencies, and a male Cross Country athlete who slowly fills space.   More ▼

It's Been so Long

If you go down to the market today, you're sure to have a life changing experience and not even notice it.   More ▼

Being Obliged to Eat

Forum user recounts her friend's gradual weight gain, which was caused by (among other things) being surrounded by friends and family who are cooks and insist you eat what they make...   More ▼

The Deal * Preview *

When two roommates have the goal to help the fat one lose weight, it ends up with consequences for the skinny one. Maybe he should have been nicer and not fat shamed him!   More ▼

My Story. (non-fiction) Auto Biography

This is my story and what brought me to Fantasy Feeder more than 8 years ago. It might help you understand me more.   More ▼


The beginning of a blossoming romance. Will Ash and Zach accept their love for big men.   More ▼

Seth and Uncle Andrew - Largetwink

This story was released in 2021. It was my first non-FFA but still gaining story. Also stop shipping Seth and Andrew. It's wrong!   More ▼

Jennifer and the Two Week Cruise

The Reunion

You return back to town for your highschool reunion and reconnect with an old friend but she has changed a little since you last saw her and she has a secret to share   More ▼

The New Assistant Part 2