Sexy weight gain stories

The Side Effects of Body Swapping

Eager to see his wife gain weight, Mark uses a spell to swap her figure with an overweight female friend. While he’s happy with the initial results, the side effects turn out to be more extreme than he could have imagined.   More ▼

The Stowaway - Marooned

Sequel to The Stowaway! A man on the run found himself fattened against his will. Now trapped on a hostile island with the feeder that grew him, how will Carver survive?   More ▼

A Persuasive Pair

After six months of living together, it's clear: Kennedy and Melissa need a roommate. ASAP. Can they find someone who is a perfect fit? Or will their new roomie have big pants to fill?   More ▼


Phil is living in the shadow of his most successful online friend Scott, a famous feeder. After a one-night-stand accident, Phil will reconsider his role in the community   More ▼

Influence the Influenced: Fattening up the Gym Girls

Katie and Christine try to stay as fit as all the women they see on the internet. Melany feels lonely and left out because of it. Melany forces Katie and Christine to become fat pigs to learn them about the real modern beauty standands.   More ▼

Feeding Maxine

I've always had fantasies of skinny girls getting fat and of fat girls getting fatter. Until now that killed my relationships. But now I've found a girlfriend who likes it, maybe even more than me. I have to ask one thing. How fat is fat enough?   More ▼

Just Desserts

They say we all get our just desserts, in time. What happens when you're a piece of work, hedonistic, selfish asshole? Some desserts are bigger than others...   More ▼

The Wind Blows High  

Paige has always been a searcher, and her ties to her old home grow thinner and thinner. Then she meets Joshua and steps onto the big red bus, and he tells her what her purpose in life is to be. Will she follow him to The Farm?   More ▼

Blushing on a First Date

A young woman goes on a first date with someone she met online. When she meets him in public in person, she finds she has been seemingly catfished by a massively fat man... but there's a twist!   More ▼


Old friends Kyra and Lenny find romance when they reconnect and discover their mutual love for feedism - but when Lenny's work draws him away, will another feeder step in and take his place?   More ▼