Sexy weight gain stories

The Workout  

An SSBBW and her BBW friend have been putting on quite a bit of weight lately so they hire a yoga instructor to get some exercise. What they didn't know is the instructor hired happens to be an old friend of the SSBBW.   More ▼

Weight Gain Revenge  

The Injury

A story about dealing with injury related gain, kind of a slow burn but closely based on a true story.   More ▼

Chocolate Cake

Zoe, a proud bisexual feeder, suddenly finds her food intake increasing as she falls for Dee, a chocolate cake fanatic. Suddenly the tables have turned, as Zoe used to fattening up her partners has to watch her own waistline increase   More ▼

Amanda and Bud  


Polly longs for a big, gluttonous man to fatten up. However, when she finally finds one, the sexy temptress may not be as good at being a feeder as she first thought...   More ▼

A Wish Squandered

Alfie has always wanted to be a girl and finally he gets his wish, but he needs to be careful. Having a 400lb man's mind in a 120lb woman's body could have consequences for her waistline... The first of the Gray Saga!   More ▼

Look What You Did to Me!  

Party Boy Challenge

At a college party, Sebastian overhears a ridiculous challenge: one friend, Max, is challenged to gain 80 pounds over the school year. will contain m/m romance, weight gain, smut   More ▼

Big Bad Wolf