Sexy weight gain stories

Casey - Alternate Universe  

A Skinny Piggy No More  

The Taming of the Step-daughter

Our female protagonist decides to fatten up her rebellious step-daughter to get a full grip of her late husband's inheritance.   More ▼

Faith & Fat's Rewards

When a convent struggling with behavioral issues gets a new woman in charge, they soon find her policies are as unorthodox as they are pleasurable.   More ▼

The Waterpark

A love triangle involving two curvy aspiring lawyers and the FA they desire. This is a retelling/reimaging of a classic unfinished WG tale originally authored by Philled Up, titled, β€œThe Waterpark.”   More ▼


Personal Trainer

The gym can be a daunting place for a fat girl - but Jade gets the right PT to give her the type of training she really needs.   More ▼

The Warehouse

Kay gets a new job at a food warehouse... The story is kinda flow of consciousness, perhaps could do with a little more storytelling and emotional nuance. Cover art is my first public illustration! Enjoy 😊 Feedback always welcome!   More ▼

A Big Wish
