Sexy weight gain stories

Marie at the Farm

Birthday Balloon

Once a year, Adam gets a hall-pass to indulge his fat fetish with his sweet girlfriend Allie. But what happens when the exception becomes the rule?   More ▼

Not Enough Karen in the World

Karen met a guy named James, who she absolutely adored, only to find that James had a secret. He liked fat girls, like, REALLY fat girls, how far will Karen go to please James, and what will she learn about herself in the process?   More ▼


A young woman watches in horrified fascination as her best friend embarks onto a life of debauched hedonism- a lifestyle that the entire world seems happy to enable.   More ▼

Phucket Gets Phatter - Premium  

Some Encouragement for You  

Encouraging words for ALL feeders who've wondered what it's like to be the feedee for a change. I don't care what your gender or sexual orientation is. If you've ever wondered how the other side lives, this letter is addressed to you!   More ▼

The Sea Cow

Hot, Fat, and Ready!

This is a continuation of “Hot & Fat” an extended conclusion to a dark story of a very fat girl, treated as a porky sow and slaughtered with eventual cannibalism. Please leave comment!!—revised 7/26/24   More ▼

The Boss Wants Growth

Working in an office has had quite the impact on my waistline. And my boss seems to have noticed.   More ▼

My Super Cute Alien Girlfriend

A bit weird and a slow burn, but a lot of fun and sweet. Give it a go. Oh, and definitely contains adult themes   More ▼