Sexy weight gain stories

A Cam Girl's Conquest

An struggling amateur cam girl has a strange but enlightening encounter that opens a world of possibilities.   More ▼


Good looking, smart and single; Bruno has it all; apart from the fat girl of his dreams. But one broken leg unearths a far deeper love of growth.   More ▼

Jordan Fantasy

Jordan dream of becoming fat but when he finds Mike online who will help him achieving his dream (contain extreme weight gain like face covering forehead back fat lip fat eyeballs and lips filling up with lard infinite immobile blob of fat)   More ▼

Fast Food Fatty

A McDonald's manager meets a supersized feedee.   More ▼

Human Livestock

At Hawkingwood Farms on the island of Barbadoa we follow the lives of three Sessanach females being fattened for their meat, and the ongoings of their Effarian overseers. Lots of weight gain, hooked noses, wide hips, sex, some bacon, force feeding   More ▼

Not Playing

Donna wakes up to quite the surprise. Check out my latest story: "What's the Difference?!" here on FF   More ▼

Mcdonalds Liminal Space

A man finds himself in a mysterious labyrinth, filled with lost people.   More ▼


Frank has always desired to be different. On Christam Eve he has the chance to change his life...   More ▼

Chapter 1 - Wife Becomes a Ssbbw

Fresh into their marriage a closet FA discovers his wife wants to become his feedee and have him grow her into a SSBBW..   More ▼

Glances Part Two: Ingrid  

Help me decide if I should continue with this story. In Glances Part Two, Ingrid reunites with an old high school classmate. Will she turn into the fattest girl at the county fair?   More ▼