Hypnosis weight gain stories

His Projected Cravings

Your boyfriend's been struggling with his weight for as long as he can remember. In order to beat his unhealthy cravings and lose some weight, he decides to push them onto someone else; you.   More ▼

The Metamorphosis

Progress Report

His Guardian Angel

The Ritual

My submission for the March story prompt. A quick lesbian scifi blurb set in a reality reminiscent of startrek. Trigger warnings: (I attempted to write alien variety horror ), sexual themes/implications, and mild dystopian vibes   More ▼

Time for a Change

Warning: Extreme and graphic feeding descriptions.   More ▼

The Movie

A little continuation of a story I did called The Flight. (BHM, BBW, Multiple, Weight Swap, Magic)   More ▼

Adrien"s Dilemma

Making a True Whale

A human male comes across a female whale gal, she’s a bit on the heavy side, but to his she’s no where near heavy enough to be considered a true whale. What starts as a friendly date tires into a intense fattening.   More ▼

Cookie Monster Preview

Work in progress. First chapter preview. A couple starts an onlyfans called “cookie monster” the “guests” and fans are given choices that are somewhat ambiguous and misleading   More ▼