Sexy weight gain stories

Enema of the Female

This story explores the extreme limits of intimate feeding and the resulting sensuality. If graphic sexuality and enema experimentation bother you, do not read.   More ▼

New Flatmate

When Dan's friend moves in with him, he begins to understand his desires for his body and his feelings for her.   More ▼

The Welcome Home Gift

When a wife discovers her husbands secret desires, she has 6 weeks to plump up to be the woman of his dreams   More ▼

Red Flavour

When a demon of gluttony and excess descends upon Victorian London high society, the lives of two young women will never be the same again. Story based on - or at least inspired by - Dracula by Bram Stoker.   More ▼

Eating Good

Mariana is a popular influencer on TikTok who begins to enjoy her lush and lavish lifestyle just a little too much...   More ▼

Kneel for Me

an erotic, sensual vignette i needed to get out of my system ... fixed some typos that bugged me, ignore if you’ve already read it, otherwise enjoy ;-)   More ▼

Twice a Knight

A rarely told tale of a lord and a maiden with a kinky twist. If graphic intimacy offends you move along. final chapter added 4/5   More ▼


A down and out college dropout decides to try her hand at being a dominatrix of sorts. She though she was in control...   More ▼

The Conference

Work conferences can be really, really dull. Sometimes, though, you happen to get paired up with a gorgeous woman and all of a sudden, they don't seem so tedious.   More ▼

Daniel Explodes

A determined female feeder causes her chubbing boyfriend to blow up -- in more ways than one! Inspired by the classic BBW stuffing story "Dessert".   More ▼