Kidnapping weight gain stories

Pretty Fat Girl Gang  

The Pretty Fat Girl Gang and the Club Plush strip club have become the go to for chubby chasers. The owner Laquesia learns that Jah the drug dealer and her former feeder got out of jail and wants what he is owed. Payment? cash money or weight gained   More ▼

To Serve Man

A paranoid woman's life is forever changed when an alien race comes to earth with promises of peace and abundance. The whole world rejoices and indulges, but can they be trusted?   More ▼

Sofia: Decadent Influencer in Milan

Embark on Sofia's journey from a chic influencer to a trailblazing figure celebrated for her opulent indulgence. As her curves flourish, she challenges societal norms. 🌟🍽️   More ▼

Weight Gain Revenge  

Big Bad Wolf  

Who's the Fat Sister Now?

How to Punish a Cheater

A cautionary tale for any man who may feel inclined to cheat on his wife or girlfriend. In this story, a jilted wife finds an appropriate revenge for her suave slender handsome husband.   More ▼

The Prince's Secret

A future dystopian America is ruled by a family that declared themselves royalty. It's handsome prince has a secret desire.   More ▼

Binding Vows

The Weight of Success

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