Sexy weight gain stories

Emma, Continued...  

Introduction to Fat Sex

The first time I let anyone touch my newly fattened frame   More ▼

Giving in to Lust

In this special tale of Modern Love, Jared's father married Mandy's mother. When Mandy came home from college a few pounds heavier, Jared had to fight himself from enjoying it...but he couldn't fight it for very long   More ▼

So… Now What?

When a mid-30s stay-at-home mom decides she’s done with 10 years of dieting, she didn’t bargain for her husband to be so helpful and encouraging with her decision.   More ▼

Fall From Grace--darker

If you want the build-up to the plot, I'd recommend reading my earlier story. But, if you want diabolical feeder and a pathetic feedee with dubcon, full steam ahead. Dark, punishing themes, teasing, ruination.   More ▼


The Fluffy Goddess

Julia hits the jackpot when she meets Jeff, a wealthy man who sweeps her off her feet. He only asks one thing of her: that she stay as fat and fluffy as possible!   More ▼

Confession of a Feedee

"I worry that I can't stop eating and gaining. Some say it's an addiction, and they might be right." CAUTION: Dark & Explicit! Story contains forcefeeding.   More ▼

Kissing Cousins

Dan’s Beauty Serum 3: Sisterly Love