Sexy weight gain stories

Extra Motivation

Cassie has some very strong desires to get as fat as possible all thanks to her inner voice. But what happens when that voice wants to spread to more people?   More ▼

Instant Karma: a New Zoe

Zoe steals a cursed artifact while on a vacation in Mexico, and her life will never be the same again.   More ▼

Dalia Finds a Feeder

(on going) After months of texting, Dalia, who loves to eat, decides to meet Sam, who loves to watch.   More ▼

Bombshell and Big Tech in the Chimera Conspiracy

When you're a superhero whose whole power is fattening bad guys up, you tend to make some big enemies.   More ▼

Unexpected Gains

Big Tech and Bombshell In: the Commune of Crucifix

Big Tech and Bombshell return for another installment full of fattening hijinks! (COMPLETE)   More ▼

Who's the Dom?

In Denial

A bored feedee experiments during quarantine and gets more than she bargained for.   More ▼

Premature E"fat"ulation (true Story)

Mike and Ike