Jessica and Her Big Mouth

  By Growingsofter  Premium

Chapter 1

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"Watch where you're going you fat bitch", said Jessica after bumping into and almost knocking over a fat and pregnant Gypsie woman in her small hometown in South Carolina. Jessica hadn't seen the middle aged woman, and had plowed into her. In truth, it was all our young protagonist's fault, but when you're the hottest girl in your small town... well, nothing's ever your fault, is it? And as a result Jessica never suffered any consequences for being a total and raging bitch, well, not until this fateful day.

After regaining her footing, the very fat and very pregnant looking Gypsie woman simply glowered at the rich, pretentious, and most of all pompous young gal with her perfect skin and toned body. Standing their with her hands up on her high hips, the Gypsie quietly pondered to herself the best way to get revenge on this pretty little cunt.

"Besides being a fat cow, what are you deaf too?", rhetorically and sarcastically asked Jessica while looking over to her local enterouge. Nervous giggles ensued until the fat Gypsie woman shot them all a stone cold look that sent shivers down their spines. Jessica held her ground as the massive Gypsie woman approached, but her lackies shrunk back in fear like cowering puppies.

Then when her bulbous belly was only inches away from Jessica the Gypsie woman's face went from a grimace to a broad a oddly warm smile.

"I am so profoundly sorry for not looking where I was going my dear", said the Gypsie woman in a melodious tone that made Jessica feel so at ease and comfortable with this woman she'd just scorned seconds ago.

"I'm sooooooo sorry, please forgive me. I didn't mean to bump into you like that", pleaded Jessica, not wanting for some reason to upset this beautiful full figured and pregnant looking bbw standing before her.

"No, you're not really sorry", snapped the Gypsie woman coldly before breaking into a wicked smile saying, "but you will be. What's your name young girl?"

"Jessica Thompson", she replied.

"Good. Jessica Thompson..." Then she mumbled some archaic phrases under her breath before repeating Jessica's first phase back to her in a faux kind voice, "Watch where you're going you fat bitch"
33 chapters, created 3 years , updated 2 years
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Minifan 2 years
I like the twist, is there more coming?
Growingsofter 2 years
Thinking about ending this story in the next chapter with the big reveal, but let me know ifvyou guys want me to continue this story. Ideas always accepted.
LeDebonaire 2 years
I'd like to see more after the reveal!