Chapter 1
New Years Eve:I had brought my girlfriend, Quinn, to the new years party my friends were throwing. She looked gorgeous in her dress and was very excited. When we walked in the door everyone was already drunk and loud. Quinn had not been feeling well lately and this was her first time being able to go out after recovering from the flu. So as you can imagine she was not prepared to be squeezed by Jackie reeking of beer and pizza. And was certainly not prepared to watch Jackie grab me and wrap her arms around my neck and push her pelvis into me. I pushed her off just in time to see Quinn walk to the bathroom.
"What the hell Jackie?"
"What's her problem? Does she not like being touched? That must suck for you." Jackie said plopping herself down next to me. See, Jackie and I went to college together. Her room was across from mine and she had been trying to sleep with me since freshman year. She would purposely leave her door open when changing, always want to sit next to me, always finding an excuse to touch me especially when drunk, she would try and grind her fat admittedly juicy ass on me at parties. We never even kissed. And honestly at 26 this was starting to make me angry.
I was handed a beer and watched my friends finish a game of cards against humanity. I was so pissed at Jackie. Not only did she make Quinn upset, she also ruined my chances of getting sex tonight. Don't judge me.Quinn hadn't been able to do anything for about a week. And then she had felt insecure because in her mind she looked bad because she had been sick.
"Quinn, hey, you okay?" She looked irritated and a little embarrassed.
"Yeah, I'm fine" she came over and sat next to me. She glared at Jackie.
"Jackie it's your turn," Tom yelled.
"Coming!" Jackie jumped up her butt jiggled slightly as she swayed her hips a bit while looking back at me. She sat down on the floor and leaned forward to pick a card. Her tight jeans looked tighter than normal.
"Are you sure you are okay?" I tried to put my arm around Quinn but she wouldn't let me.
"Yes, I'm fine. I don't like her doing that though. I really don't like it after you told me that she is or was into you. It is just annoying. Also she is just sloppy and kind of a jerk." She stared at Jackie's butt when she walked by to grab more pizza and beer.
"I told you I am not into her and never have been. I had a million opportunities to sleep with her and I never did because I am not attracted to her physically and I hate her personality."
"Ugh, but her butt is so much nicer than mine. I don't know you watched her ass when she ran over there." Quinn watched as Jackie ate 5 pieces of pizza and 3 beers. She started blushing a bit.
"Jackie is a fat girl from the waist down. She looks skinny sort of but she looks like a fat girl from the waist down. See?" I pointed to Jackie's thick legs and ankles. Quinn looked and then blushed harder.
"Yeah but you didn't seem to mind her pushing up against you." Quinn seemed embarrassed. I couldn't place it.
"Hey guys how you doing? This pizza is amazing!" Jackie had stacked three pieces on top of each other. She sat down in between Quinn and I. She proceeded to stuff the pizza into her mouth while Quinn looked at her with a mix of surprise and horror. "What happened to my beer?" She leaned forward to grab it from the far end of the table in front of us. As she did I saw her jeans dig into her pale softer looking belly. "There we go!" She chugged it down and burped. Quinn was staring at Jackie's lap and slowing getting very red in the face. I looked down and saw that the roll of soft fat apparently existed even when she was sitting. Her pale untoned midriff happily poked out of her jeans, a fledgling muffintop complete with what was sure to soon be lovehandles. "So Erik, where have you been lately?" I felt her softer body press into me as she leaned into me trying to give me a view of her tits. They were mashed into a too small black lace pushup bra.
"Um, well, I am taking kick boxing and yoga with Quinn. She is a great teacher. We also went surfing earlier today." I tried to avoid looking at her cleavage which was almost impossible considering how close they were to my face.
"Mmmm oh so thats why you look so hot. You been getting some serious muscle." Quinn just sat there still staring at the pale squishy flesh.
"Quinn, why don't you uh tell Jackie about the stuff we did?" I said desperately trying to get Jackie to stop touching my chest. Quinn looked up just in time only to have Jackie almost grope her while trying to lean towards her.
"Quinn look at you," Jackie laughed and leaned in to whisper something to Quinn. "You got such a hot man here, I hope you are keeping him happy!" I think Jackie thought she was whispering.
"Um yeah I mean..." Quinn looked very uncomfortable her gaze constantly finding its way back to Jackie's belly.
"Hold on, I need more pizza!" Jackie heaved herself up to get more.
"You okay?" I moved closer to Quinn and hugged her.
"Don't touch me right now." I immediately let go.
"Why? Are you okay?" She felt like she was on fire and a little sweaty. She grabbed me by the shirt and whispered in my ear in a breathy voice.
"Do not touch me unless you are okay with leaving right now." I looked at her eyes and it hit me. I have this vague memory of Quinn admitting to me some fetish she had. She had cried so much after telling me that I had completely forgotten what it was.
"Okay." I smirked at her and glanced at Jackie who was busy actually winning at a drinking game. It was called Thunder fuck. You chug during part of the song Thunder Struck. So I guess Jackie's strategy was to stuff her face so she could drink more. Quinn looked at Jackie and slightly clenched her legs together. I put my hand on her leg. I could feel heat coming off of her.
"I told you not to..." she stopped when she saw me smirking at her. Her face went from irritated to horrified. "No" She went bright red. I leaned in to whisper to her.
"Why not?" I now knew how I could fix things. Jackie was about to guarantee my getting sex tonight and making sure that Quinn's kinky confident self would come out.
College Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
First person
34 chapters, created 5 years
, updated 3 months