Chapter 1
Sally and Jill were so stuffed and bloated, they kept belly bumping and giggling admiring each other’s tummy bulge/food babies. Melissa had finally worked her way up to the headboard and was sitting watching her friends enjoying the results of their massive binge.Jill looked at Melissa, “Where are we sleeping?” Melissa giggled, “Here on my bed, it’s big enough for all three of us.” Due to Melissa gaining, Ned and Anne had bought her a king size (reinforced) bed. The two climbed on and lay down on either side of Melissa. They were all so full, they fell asleep in just a few minutes.
Melissa woke up hungry (usual for her) around two thirty. She poked her two protégés in their still bloated bellies. “Hey, I’m hungry, let’s go down to the kitchen and pig out for a while.” Sally and Jill, bleary eyed and sleepy helped Melissa off the bed. The three went down to the kitchen. Anne had laid out a midnight feast for her rotund daughter and her protégés. The girls gorged on cookies, ice cream and rich sauces for over an hour. Jill and Sally were sitting rubbing their engorged, bloated bellies watching Melissa continue to shovel food into her mouth. “Melissa, we’re full, can we go back to bed?” “Oh sorry girls, I get carried away eating, sure let’s go back to bed. Help me up please.”
They all waddled down to Melissa bedroom to sleep off yet another gorge.
Anne came in to Melissa’s room around six thirty. She wanted to be sure to feed Jill and Sally at least two more times before Carol and Katie came to pick them up. She looked at the bed, her adorable, rotund daughter was sleeping on her back, her huge belly, jiggling with every breath. Jill was on one side, and Sally was on the other, both on their side facing Melissa. The covers were pulled back and Anne gleefully noticed the bulges around both girls waist bands of their tight, bikini panties.
“Girls, good morning, it’s time to eat breakfast!” They all woke up. Jill and Sally rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, both feeling their still bloated bellies sticking out. Sally stood, so Melissa could work her way over to the edge of the bed to stand up. Anne said, “Jill and Sally, please use the bathroom while Melissa’s getting off the bed.” “Yes Anne”, they piped up. They went into the bathroom, Sally was behind Jill, “Jill I think you are getting a big booty from all the eating.” Jill turned and looked at Sally’s serious tummy bulge/food baby, “Look who’s talking, Sally, looks like you have a pretty good food baby going on!” Sally brushed her hair, while Jill used the toilet. She patted her bloated, bulging stomach, “OMG, I can’t believe Anne is going to make us eat again.” Jill came over and poked Sally’s tummy bulge, “Your turn chubby.” “Oh move over so I can get around your huge booty.” Giggled Sally.
The girls helped Melissa get off the bed and to the bathroom, the three went down to the kitchen to eat yet again. Anne had fixed plenty of rich breakfast treats to feed her daughter and her growing friends. The girls all giggled when that saw how much food Anne had fixed. “Wow, there is a lot to eat here.” Said Sally. She was patting her bloated belly, making jiggle a bit. The waist band of her bikini panty was cutting into the new plumpness that was growing around her waist. Jill giggled, whispering to Sally, “Do you think Anne is deliberately trying to fatten us up?” Sally whispered, “That’s a “duh”. But they both planted their bottoms in chairs and started to eat. The three stuffed themselves with pancakes, French toast, waffles, and pasties. Anne made sure Jill and Sally’s plates were refilled as soon as the girls finished anything.
Sally and Jill were stuffed again after about an hour of eating. Melissa and Anne were still eating. Anne said, “Jill and Sally please eat so more, you can’t be full so soon.” The two looked at each, squirmed in their chairs to get more comfortable and served themselves some pasties and donuts, starting to eat again.
Anne and Melissa finally stopped eating a half hour later. Jill and Sally were sitting in their chairs, rubbing their distended bellies. Anne said, “Girls, why don’t you go back down to Melissa’s room and lie down for a while it is only seven thirty.” Jill and Sally followed Melissa’s huge, wobbling booty back down to her room. Jill giggled, “God, do they ever stop eating here?” “I don’t think so. I mean look how big Anne is now. I mean Melissa has a condition, but Anne is just over eating to comfort Melissa. Anne used to be smaller than my Mom!” Whispered Sally.
The girls climbed back on Melissa’s bed and dosed off.
Anne came in around ten o’clock. “Girls, time for breakfast!” Jill and Sally sat up, feeling their still bloated bellies on their thighs. Melissa giggled, “Help me up, please.” Sally and Jill helped Melissa up and followed Anne and Melissa down to the kitchen.
3 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years