
  By Growingsofter  Premium

Chapter 1 - Tif

"Watch where your going you fat cow", yelled Tif at what she thought was just a tubby goth girl. Little did Tiffany Pitts know that the chubby goth girl dressed like a witch, actually was one. Poor Tiffany had no idea, and why should she? It was the office Halloween party, there were at least three other "witches" dancing around the office drunk off their fat asses. Tif couldn't stand it when fatties dressedup like they thought they were hotties on Halloween.

"What did you call me?", asked Azalea Carlea, the office's Romanian foreign exchange intern.

"You heard me you fucking cow. Watch where the fuck you're going", slurred the drunken Tiffany in her slutty cat outfit. Tiffany was the office hottie and fucking the big bossman. Everyone knew it, so Tif was used to everyone kowtowing to her every whim.

"No, I'm not a fucking cow! You are, or you will be soon", said Azalea with a wolfish grin before reciting some words under her breath.

Then all of a sudden there was a flash of light and what seemed like flames emanating from under and around Azalea rose up around her as she waved her hands over her head, chanting "Fetum adipem bovis, fetum adipem bovis, fetum adipem bovis", all the time staring at Tiffany. And then, as as quickly as it all began, it was over.

Tif staggered back, frightened out of her mind. It wasn't the appearent pyrotechnics that scared her, but the Romanian girl's intense and glowing eyes that had stared into her naked soul that shook her.

Everyone else clapped and whooped it up for Azalea. "That was an amazing trick", said Eric Slenderman, the boss man and Tif's main squeeze.

"No, it wasn't, it was reckless and some one could have gotten hurt", said Tif sullenly.

"Oh don't be like that", chided the thin and fit corporate man, "That was pretty cool. But no more fireworks or whatever you did back there. At least not before running it past me, okay?", he said to the smiling witch.

"No problem", said Azalea with a bow that exposed her chubby breast and deep cleevage. Eric couldn't help from staring, which pissed off Tiffany to no end.

"Fuck you, both", said Tiffany, huffing off. As she stormed passed laughing coworkers. As Tiffany hastily pushed her way out her tummy began to growl, so she scooped up a box of donuts and headed for the doors.
7 chapters, created 5 years , updated 3 years
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CaliGainingGirl 4 years
aw man great story ... but where's the final chapter or more? Bit of a tease leaving it there ...