Undercover Belly

Chapter 1

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The trial of the gang bangers in LA was over and the now very well fed, if not obese witness and his equally well fed wife safely tucked away in Utah. The US Marshall’s office in Denver could get on to other cases.

Deputy Marshall Anderson was speaking with the Marshall in charge of the Denver office, Jim Majors, they were discussing the recent bombings of two weight loss surgery clinics in the metro area.

“These nut cases are escalating there tactics”. Stated Anderson. “I know, I know, Anderson, but our last attempt to get some one inside these groups failed miserably.” Replied Majors.

A year ago the Marshall Service had sent an under cover female deputy, well padded, to try to join the more active of the groups. She disappeared for several weeks, only to be found morbidly obese to the point of immobility in an abandoned motel room. She was now in a nursing home trying loose enough weight to walk again.

“We need to get some one inside, someone who is beyond suspicion.” Stated Jim.
“You mean we need someone who is fat or willing to get fat. Someone who is unknown to them as a cop too!” replied Anderson. “Yeah, but who would want to get fat and go undercover to catch these weirdoes?” asked Majors. “Well Jim, I might have a suggestion to make on that issue”, said Anderson. Majors looked at Anderson, “Who do you know who would want to do that to themselves?”

“You’re not going to believe this, Jim, but Deputy Combes!” stated Anderson. “What are you crazy, she is the aerobics nut around here!” he replied. “Jim, you haven’t noticed her lately have you, she is gaining weight, ever since we had the witness protection gig in the mountains a few weeks ago. I don’t know what happened, but she seemed to have some sort of an epiphany up there. The Fox couple, got spooked and took off from their motel, dressed only in bikini’s both of them and very overweight too. They stumbled onto a retired lunch room cook who could not stop cooking and eating her own food and was very obese. She took them in and to say she fattened them up, would be an understatement! Well to make a long story short, Combes seemed to be fascinated by this woman, Madge and how fat the Fox couple became! It was to the point that Combes could not refuse any food from Madge and stuffed herself both times we were there!” finished Anderson.

“You know Anderson, I did notice she looked a little fuller in the face at the last briefing we had, that you mention it.” Said Majors. “Let’s start up the surveillance on the bar restaurant “Sloppy Bottoms” again and get some photos and background on these people and let’s talk to Combes.

Deputy Marshall Combes was indeed putting on weight. She could hardly focus on any work outs, she got tired easier and bored. She would fantasize about food and eating while she tried to exercising. After a work out it was all she could do to control the urge to binge. She had dreams during the night about Madge and being fed rich fattening food until she nearly bursts, waking up famished. She needed to buy new clothes, she now barely fit into most of her clothes. She felt ashamed at her lack of will power, but she would look at her bulging belly and thickening thighs in the mirror and get turned on! Getting dressed was becoming a struggle to squeeze into her clothes. So she was startled when she got to the office on Tuesday and found a message to report to Jim Majors’ office as soon as she came in!

Combes walked down to Jim’s office aware of her thighs rubbing together and the waist band of her skirt cutting into her newly grown tummy fat!

She knocked and stepped into Jim’s office. She was a little startled to see her partner Anderson there as well, she also noticed the “WLS” case file too.

Both Anderson and Majors got up to welcome Combes to the office, they shook hands and all sat down. Both Anderson and Majors noticed that Combes had gained more weight recently.

“Good Morning, Deputy Combes, how are you this morning?” asked Majors. “Fine, sir” she replied without much conviction. Before Majors could say anything else, Combes blurted out, “If this is about my weight, I will get back into shape, I don’t know what has come over me lately, but I will get myself back in control, sir!” Majors blushed a bit, “No deputy, this not about weight situation per se, but it is related. Have you heard of this investigation?” he asked, tapping the WLS file.

“Yes sir I have.” Replied Combes. She was actually fascinated by it. “Good, because that is why I asked you and Deputy Anderson are here this morning. We want to try to break this group up, to do so we must get someone inside, someone who would be above suspicion in their eyes. In short someone who is fat or obese, to put it bluntly!”

Combes blushed bright crimson. Anderson and Majors both feigned not noticing her embarrassment. Majors started again, “You remember what happened to Deputy Smith?” Combes nodded in reply, blushing again. “Well we do not want to make that mistake again. We will need someone who is fat and go in there and gain more weight, to allay any suspicions they may have. It needs to be a women, this group is dominated by women the men are only muscle and errand boys. We also need a women who is new to this jurisdiction, that the “perps” do not know. Deputy Combes, I would like you to consider this assignment, be assured that there would be medical assistance to get back into shape or even a fully funded early retirement. You would be well rewarded and taken care of!”
4 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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FoildFdr 3 years
Unless shes a midget. Isnt it unlikely to have three feet wide ass at only 170pounds? Kilos maybe. Nice writing overall, but quite a few spelling errors. Keep up the good work!
Fanedfox 3 years
Thank you.
Fbuucgk 3 years
Thanks for the hint!