Zoom Belly

Chapter 1

I worked at a tech company in a Midwest city in the US. I was five foot ten inches tall and when I started there I weighed one hundred and eighty five pounds. I wasn’t in super shape, but I worked out at a gym, I used to run on the streets. When I moved into my condo I just started to use the work out room there. My name is Ned by the way.

The company I work for has a female CEO, we have a very strict sexual harassment policy which makes it risky to ask anyone out for a date or even a drink after work. There was an adorable plump young woman in a different department than mine. Her name was Claire, she was in my mind anyway, a little hotty, petite at five foot two inches, plump weighing one hundred and forty pounds. She had a cute little belly and booty and quite pretty.

We started dating secretly in the late fall of 2019 and into the winter of 2020. I really liked her and she liked me. Thinking back, she wasn’t into my then slim physique as I was into her plump body.

The pandemic hit in late February in our city. Everything got shut down. The company went to remote working. The workout room in my condo complex was locked. I was shut in my condo.

Claire was having the same issues too. She couldn’t work out anymore her health club shut down and eventually went out of business. She was stuck in her apartment.

I didn’t really mind working from home, but that situation soon lead me down a very fattening path. I started to eat a lot more than I did before (duh!). I ordered take out nearly every day. I always bought a lot more groceries than previously, thinking I needed to stay stocked up. I stopped getting dressed, just wearing my briefs and a t-shirt, even when we had “Zoom” meeting, I just put on a nicer shirt. I started to nibble between meals and eating bigger and bigger meals. Before the pandemic, I would usually just eat two, maybe three slices of a medium pizza. Three slices soon turned into six, then the whole medium pizza. I moved up to four or five slices of a large pizza, but soon I was eating a whole large pizza at a sitting. When I ordered Chinese, before one maybe two different items and an egg roll, that become several items and two orders of crab cheese wontons. I also started snacking to the point that I had something in my hand to eat or in my mouth.

One day in early April I was getting ready to go to the store, of course none of my jeans or “dockers” fit anymore, which I chocked up to my dryer shrunk them. I was wearing a medium pair of sweat pants which were now really tight especially around my waist and butt. I looked in the mirror leaving my unit and noticed I had “panty lines” my sweat pants were so tight. I just thought “that stupid dryer” and left not realizing my thighs were rubbing together. I was in total denial that I was getting fat.

Meanwhile Claire was having issues too. She was eating more than before, she was a very social person and was really missing being in the office. Since she has been overweight pretty much before puberty, she really didn’t notice that she was gaining weight. She was eating a lot more take out, stocking her apartment with far more food than before, which lead to eating larger and large meals, snacking constantly, not getting dressed. She just as Ned was doing, only wore panties and t-shirts. She had a modest chest, so she didn’t bother with a bra. On “Zoom” calls she did wear a nice blouse and bra, both were getting very tight though.

Then my little “incident” happened. The company was on a “Zoom” call, I saw Claire and waved to her discreetly, she waved back and smiled. She thought, “Ned looks like he has put on some weight, I hope so.” I noticed that Claire seemed delightfully plumper then when we were dating. The call lasted for nearly an hour, finally it was over and people started to drop off. I was distracted taking some notes and didn’t realize I had not closed the “Zoom” call. I stood up in front of my laptop, no pants on, just my tight nylon briefs, my t-shirt was riding up on my now substantial belly. Fortunate for me Claire was the only one still on or at least paying attention, she gasped “Oh my God, Ned has gotten so fat!” She immediately texted me, “Ned, sit back down or log out you’re still in the “Zoom” meeting!” I looked at my phone and saw the text from Claire, “Oh shit,” I logged out. My phone buzzed again, “Ned, skype with me!”

I went on skype to Claire’s email address, the screen opened and she was sitting there in just a t-shirt and panties. She giggled and smiled, “Ned, stand up and show me your belly and butt.” I did holding the laptop. “Your turn”, I replied. Claire stood up showing off her round belly and booty cheeks in a very tight bikini panty. We both responded at the same time, “You look awesome!”

Claire said, “Ned how did you gain so much weight, you look so good, I love your body!” I blushed, “I haven’t gained that much weight, just a little.” Claire laughed, “Ned have you weighed yourself or measured your waist and hips?” “No, I haven’t, I don’t have a scale or a cloth tap measure.” “Ned, go out and buy a scale and a tape measure, and get more to eat too! When you get back call me, we’ll skype during lunch and watch each other eat.”
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Snarry0901 3 years
I like it.
Miteuf 3 years
I love this story
Fanedfox 3 years
Thank you!